How to Create a Successful Power Point Three Simple Rules
Rule Number 1 Keep it Simple! Power Point presentations should be a means of getting the basic information across.
Too Much Information Do not overwhelm your audience with too much text. Limit your slides to one picture per. Keep special effects to a limit.
Dealing With Text Too many words and your audience will tune out. Too much text means using smaller font sizes. The audience doesn’t want to hear you read to them. Use the “click to add notes” box if you have lengthy information.
Using Pictures Not all of your slides need to have pictures. Too many pictures will also overwhelm the viewer. You want your audience to focus on the message.
Special Effects Special effects are fun but can slow down your presentation. Animated characters are cute and effective when used in moderation.
Effective Effects! If you’d like to use text effects, choose those that come in quickly. To make them go quickly, click on the speed of the effect and be sure to preview. Animations should directly relate to the message. One animation per slide, and use one style of text effects per slide.
Rule Number 2 Get Organized Know your message. Make a list of the major points you need to make. Know the order you want to present it. Know your audience.
Know Your Message Learn about your topic so that you become an authority. Be able to answer questions if asked. Know the key points of the message and put emphasis on them.
Rule Number 3 Use your art skills! Treat each slide like a work of art. Knowing the Principles of Art and how to use them can be extremely helpful.
Works of Art Aesthetics are important when creating a Power Point. The beauty of each slide will hold your audiences’ attention.
Use the Principles of Art Balance Contrast Emphasis Unity Movement
Balance This comes into play when: Using text sizes and fonts. Choosing layouts. Positioning text and pictures. The order of your slides.
Text Be consistent, use no more than 2 font styles throughout the presentation. Be consistent with the size of fonts you use on each slide. Position your text to balance your space.
Contrast This comes into play when: Choosing the template for your background. Choosing the color of your text against the background. Choosing the art to go on the page.
Emphasis This comes into play when: Planning the layout of your slide. You want to relate your presentation to your message.
Movement This comes into play when: Using text effects. Using animation. Planning the timing of your presentation.
Unity This comes into play when: Choosing your template Creating your slides Choosing your text Choosing your animations and effects Choosing clip art and pictures
The Rules Keep It Simple Get Organized and Know Your Message Use Your Art Skills
For Example The following slides are an example of how you are to do your presentation to teach the rest of the class about the artist who painted your mural. Your presentation does not have to be long, but it should adequately define the life and work of the artist you are presenting.
Vincent van Gogh A Troubled Man…..
Vincent’s Early Life Born in Groot-Zundert, Holland in 1853 The son of a pastor, raised in a religious and cultured atmosphere. Was highly emotional and lacked self- confidence. Before he began to paint he worked as a clerk in a bookstore, an art salesman, and a preacher; he was dismissed for overzealousness.
“The Potato Eaters, 1885 Vincent’s Early Work
Peter Paul Reubens Influenced Van Gogh Peter Paul Rubens, Flemish (1577– 1640) Charity Enlightening the World, c. 1627–28 Self Portrait
Brother Theo Vincent was very close and highly influenced by his brother Theo. Theo looked out for Vincent in his times of madness. Theo and Vincent wrote letters to one another constantly. Theo van Gogh, Photograph by Ernest Ladrey, c. 1888
Letter 338 to Theo "And my aim in my life is to make pictures and drawings, as many and as well as I can; then, at the end of my life, I hope to pass away, looking back with love and tender regret, and thinking, 'Oh, the pictures I might have made!'" Vincent van Gogh 19 November 1883
Camille Pissaro “Father of Impressionism” Camille Pissarro, The Boulevard Montmartre at Night, 1897
Paul Gauguin Self-portrait with Portrait of Bernard (Les Misérables), 1888 L'Homme à la Hache, 1895 Gauguin traveled with Van Gogh to Arles to open and art school however it ended with disastrous results.
The Legend of Van Gogh’s Ear On December 23, 1888 Van Gogh, in a fit of insanity, pursued Gauguin with a knife and threatened him intensely. Later that day Van Gogh returned to their house and cut off a piece of his ear lobe then offered it to a prostitute as a gift. Gauguin swiftly left Arles for Paris
Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear 1889 (250 Kb); Oil on canvas, 60 x 49 cm; Courtauld Institute Galleries, London
Van Gogh began to alternate between fits of madness and lucidity and was sent to the asylum in Saint-Remy for treatment. While in treatment Van Gogh began to paint some of his most brilliant work. Vincent's Bedroom in Arles, 1888 Oil on Canvas, Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum
1889, Oil on Canvas, The Museum of Modern Art, New York The Starry Night
Irises 1889 (280 Kb); Oil on canvas, 71 x 93 cm (28 x 36 3/4 in); Payson Gallery of Art, Portland, Maine (or Getty Museum, California)
In the End….. Vincent viewed his life as horribly wasted, personally failed and impossible. On July 27, 1890 Van Gogh attempted suicide by shooting himself in the chest. He survived, but died two days later from the wound.