New Hampshire Housing Homeownership Conference February 18, 2014
Recent and Pending Legislation
Study Commission on Housing Policy and Regulation SB 185 (Ch. 233, Laws of 2013) – examination of state agency policies that impact housing affordability Specifically not about local regulation Also looking at incentives Actively pursuing legislation
From SB 185 Commission SB 387 – Land sales full disclosure exemptions SB 393 – NHHFA and surplus land Foreclosures SB 306 – Mortgage foreclosure study commission SB 341 – Eviction procedures on foreclosed properties
Discrimination, Abuse, and Civil Rights HB 1555 – Neglect/financial exploitation of elderly or impaired adults HB 1409 – Discrimination in housing based on “source of income” or domestic abuse HB 1143 – Update to anti-discrimination laws HB 1604 – Financial fraud laws commission SB 371 – Senior citizens bill of rights
Transactions HB 532 – PACE (municipal lending for energy efficiency / lien and repayment on taxes) HB 1532 – Radon level notification HB 1193 – Flood coverage notification Miscellanea HB 1573 – Regional planning commissions HB 1297 – Workforce housing grants
Recent and Pending Legislation
Federal Budget FY 14 $1.1 trillion budget approved in January Provides stability, at least in the short run FY 15 negotiations still on the (very) short horizon Debt limit “Clean bill” signed by President on Saturday Government now solvent through March 2015 Action because of the upcoming mid-term elections
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Qualified Mortgage (QRM / QM) ▪ Requires mortgage lenders to underwrite a loan based on a reasonable expectation that the borrower can repay it; 43% max debt to income; effective 1/10/14 CFPB now wants ideas on improving public data ▪ Dodd-Frank required loan length, total fees, teaser rates, credit scores ▪ Thinking about disclosure of interest rates, origination fees, reasons for loan rejections; whether they’re QM’s
GSE Reform Fannie and Freddie occupy over 80% of the mortgage market Both in FHFA conservatorship since 2008 Administration’s principles for housing reform ▪ Private sector as the center of the housing finance system; ▪ Wind down Fannie and Freddie ▪ Maintain access to 30-year fixed rate mortgage ▪ Support affordability for creditworthy first-time homebuyers and access for affordable rental housing.
GSE Reform (cont’d) Last year: Corker/Warner – generally supported by Administration This year: Johnson/Crapo – details this month ▪ Expected to be based on last year’s bill ▪ Phase out GSE’s over 5 years ▪ Federal Mortgage Insurance Corporation (FMIC) - federal guaranteed catastrophic reinsurance on mortgage-backed securities Meanwhile, GSE’s are being sued to distribute their “profits” to the National Housing Trust Fund
Tax Reform Look for a bill this month from House Ways & Means Chair David Camp Resistance from both R’s and D’s, but potential support from Senate Finance (Wyden and Warner) Unlikely to happen, but…