Early Years Safeguarding Briefing Summer Term 2014 Ceri McAteer – Early Years Safeguarding Adviser Contact –
Agenda Welcome and housekeeping arrangements Kathy MacDonald Early Help Record and Plan – – Nicola Hawkins Attachments – Follow-up session – – Comfort Break – – Ceri McAteer Updates
Private Fostering – The Law (section 44 of the children Act 2004) “Teachers, health and other professionals must notify the LA of a private fostering arrangement that comes to their attention, where they are NOT satisfied that the authority has been, or will be informed of the arrangement”
What is Private Fostering? When a child/young person under the age of 16 (or under 18 if disabled) is cared for and provided with accommodation for 28 days or more by someone who is not the parent/person with parental responsibility or a relative. Relative- a relative is defined as a grandparent, brother, sister, uncle or aunt. They could be a full or half relation, and could be related by marriage or civil partnership. A step parent is a relative, a cousin or great aunt is not a relative. (Children Act)
Why do the LA need to be informed? Local Authorities Have a duty to make sure that the welfare of children who are privately fostered in their area is being safeguarded and promoted. Victoria Climbie – died at the age of 8 while being privately fostered by her great aunt and her partner. Her parents were unaware of her maltreatment. Outcome - Children act 1989.
Who to inform and what happens next? Family Contact Point – A social worker will carry out an initial assessment (within 7 days). They will speak to; -The child, on their own. -The birth parents -The carers An assessment of the suitability of carers (DBS checks etc) will be undertaken within 42 days. The assessment goes to the foster panel for approval. Further information can be obtained from Fundi Mbooi
EYFS – Revised document. Sept 2014
Changes to the EYFS September 2014 Referral to the DBS 3.13-Clarification – A referral must be made to the DBS where a member of staff is dismissed (or would have been, if they hadn’t left the setting first) because they have harmed a child or put a child at risk of harm. Disqualifications 3.14-Clarification – A provider who is disqualified must not act as a childcare provider or be involved in the management of a provision A disqualified worker must not be employed in a setting. A registered provider or childcare worker may also be disqualified if they live in the same household as a disqualified person or in a household where a disqualified person is employed. Ofsted have recently been asking managers how they know none of their staff or persons living in their household have been disqualified. Ask question at interview Ask question as part of annual appraisal - Record
3.28 – Insert- Apprentices (aged 16 or over) can be included in ratio if the provider is satisfied that they are competent and responsible – Removal of the requirement to have and implement a behaviour management policy and procedures or have a named practitioner responsible for behaviour management. However you are still required to be responsible for managing behaviour in an appropriate way Removal of the requirement for a Health and Safety Policy but providers must still comply with Health and Safety regulations – removal of the requirement for a no smoking policy but “smoking must not be allowed on the premises when children are present or about to be”
3.57- no longer a requirement to ensure “facilities, equipment and access to the premises are suitable for children with disabilities” but a requirement to follow legal responsibilities under the Equality Act 2010 has been added – no longer a requirement to have a quiet/sleeping area but “the premises must be organised in a way that meets the needs of children” no longer a suggested number of toilets the wording is now an “adequate number”
3.60- No longer a requirement to have a risk assessment policy but staff must still ensure that children in their care are not exposed to risks and must be able to demonstrate that risks are being managed. In addition providers must be able to show how they are managing risks to staff Parental permission is no longer required for children to take part in outings Removal of the requirement to have an Equal Opportunities Policy 3.67-A SENCO must be identified in group provision.
Transition of CP Records Complete transition sheet (schoolsonline CP records guidance) Not to be transferred with other records If possible face to face handover to CP Lead of new setting Records to be transferred within 2 weeks of child leaving If you don’t know where the child is going contact social worker or Family Contact Point to alert them of the transfer
Site security-dropping off and collection procedures First Aid procedures following an accident Sleeping areas – check nothing in reach of children Risk Assessments – Need evidence to show they are happening. Training for new CP Leads 25 th September and 7 th October-all day A couple of reminders
Thank you for attending. I hope you all enjoy the last couple of weeks of term and your sports days and outings go smoothly! Please take a couple of minutes to complete an evaluation form. Dates for next briefing Wednesday 5 th November Thursday 13 th November