BBS Nienburg The „Loccum group“ The EFQM process The project group for implementing new approaches of teaching and learning NIBIT (joint venture of school and local enterprises and institutions Themen Informationskanal Development of school quality following the EFQM concept
BBS Nienburg Qualitätsmanagement Time is moving on. What used to be good yesterday can also be good tomorrow. But not necessarily. What should be kept and what should be abandoned must be found out.Mutually!!!. We are doing a good job. No doubt. However: Der Loccum-Prozess
BBS Nienburg Qualitätsmanagement In March of 220 colleagues of all seven departments met in the monastery of Loccum to start the process of school development..... Loccum I Der Loccum-Prozess First aims of the meeting: Survey of strengths and weaknesses Creation of a better relationship between the departments
BBS Nienburg Qualitätsmanagement The most important result: Loccum I Der Loccum-Prozess In November 2003 very detailed questionnaires are filled in by all colleagues and evaluated in the departments.
BBS Nienburg Qualitätsmanagement In September 2004 the group of 32 meet again. Loccum II Der Loccum-Prozess The next aim is to develop an overall concept.
BBS Nienburg Qualitätsmanagement The most important result: Loccum II Der Loccum-Prozess Before establishing an overall concept a mission statement must be developed and agreed on by all colleagues. The working party of 32 is divided into: Working group to develop a mission statement Working group to develop a structure of a school programme
BBS Nienburg Qualitätsmanagement Loccum II Der Loccum-Prozess In October 2005 the first mission statement is passed by the assembly of all teachers. Some changes to the original concept are made. The working group dealing with the school programme introduces their concept of systematic reports to be submitted by each department.
BBS Nienburg Qualitätsmanagement Loccum II Der Loccum-Prozess The interplay of mission statement and school programme.
BBS Nienburg The „Loccum group“ The EFQM process The project group for implementing new approaches of teaching and learning NIBIT (joint venture of school and local enterprises and institutions Structure Informationskanal Development of school quality following the EFQM concept
BBS Nienburg Qualitätsmanagement Committed to Excellence Are we doing the right thing? Are we doing it rightly? Will we still be doing the right thing tomorrow? A tool to answer these questions is the EFQM system.
BBS Nienburg Qualitätsmanagement Committed to Excellence The initiative: The decision by the Ministery of Education of Lower Saxony: School development must be based on EFQM! Our first steps: Invitation of administrative officials to an informative meeting at our school in January 2005 Information of the school community in June 2005
BBS Nienburg Qualitätsmanagement Committed to Excellence 26 colleagues are trained to perform as EFQM assessors September, 2005 The 1 st step: training
BBS Nienburg Qualitätsmanagement Committed to Excellence The new team of assessors ready to start the process of self-evaluation
BBS Nienburg Qualitätsmanagement Committed to Excellence Are we on the right track ? Acquisition and documentation of areas in which strengths and weaknesses can be found ( November, 2005) The self-assessment ist carried out with the help of checklists and the RADAR logic of the EFQM system. They are the road signs on our track. The 2 nd step: self-evaluation
BBS Nienburg Qualitätsmanagement Committed to Excellence Self-assessment and documentation
BBS Nienburg Qualitätsmanagement Committed to Excellence Self-assessment and documentation
BBS Nienburg Qualitätsmanagement Committed to Excellence The result: 32 strengths of our school defined 584 detailed measures of improvement suggested 47 general measures of improvement named
BBS Nienburg Qualitätsmanagement Committed to Excellence The assessors evaluate the results trying to cluster and combine suggested measures November, 2005 The 3 rd step: consensus meeting
BBS Nienburg Qualitätsmanagement Committed to Excellence 46strengths of the school 15„Low-hanging fruits “, i.e. simple improvements 235measures of improvement, to be realised by the school community 29 measures of improvement by the school management The catalogues of measures on which a consensus is reached comprises:
BBS Nienburg Qualitätsmanagement Committed to Excellence Staff decides about the sequence of measures to be taken filling in a questionnaire. The list of priorities is presented to the staff meeting in January The 4 th step: defining priorities
BBS Nienburg Qualitätsmanagement Committed to Excellence A steering group comprising members of all departments is established to implement and coordinate the measures with the highest priority. The 5 th step: coordinated work
BBS Nienburg Qualitätsmanagement Committed to Excellence BBS Nienburg as a self-learning organisation Forecast
BBS Nienburg The „Loccum group“ The EFQM process The project group for implementing new approaches of teaching and learning NIBIT (joint venture of school and local enterprises and institutions Structure Informationskanal Development of school quality following the EFQM concept
BBS Nienburg Qualitätsmanagement The project group for implementing new approaches of teaching and learing Projektgruppe Unterrichtsentwicklung
BBS Nienburg Qualitätsmanagement Procect group for implementing new teaching and learning skills Projektgruppe Unterrichtsentwicklung Since March 2003 this group has undergone advanced training and organized in- school trainings for teachers. Components of this training are learning skills, communication, teamwork and self-reliant working
BBS Nienburg Qualitätsmanagement Lehrerteams aus allen 7 Fachbereichen nehmen an den Trainingseinheiten zur Unterrichtsentwicklung (nach Klippert) teil. Projektgruppe Unterrichtsentwicklung
BBS Nienburg The „Loccum group“ The EFQM process The project group for implementing new approaches of teaching and learning NIBIT (joint venture of school and local enterprises and institutions Structure Informationskanal Development of school quality following the EFQM concept
BBS Nienburg NiBit Nienburger Berufsinformationstage (NIBIT) are a joint venture of our school with other schools in the region and local enterprises and institutions. For two days in November 2006 all partners will take part in a fair where students can find alle kinds of information about careers in the region. There is their chance to meet future employers. Qualitätsmanagement
BBS Nienburg NiBit First meeting of representatives of local enterprises and institutions with headmasters of different schools in the region Qualitätsmanagement