Presented By: Dave Mannon Opportunities For Oil Service Sector Companies in Kazakhstan
2 Kazakhstan Energy Facts Kazakhstan is the second largest Kazakhstan is the second largest oil producer in Central Asia oil producer in Central Asia Over 160 oil and gas deposits Over 160 oil and gas deposits have been discovered have been discovered Reserves in Kazakhstan are said to be equal to the Reserves in Kazakhstan are said to be equal to the whole of Western Europe whole of Western Europe Tengiz and Kashagan Fields rank as one of the Tengiz and Kashagan Fields rank as one of the largest deposits in the world largest deposits in the world Source: Official Kazakhstan Homepage
3 Why work in Kazakhstan? Parker has over 14 years of continuous work Never drilled a dry hole Good joint venture partners in country Challenging well site operations –Complex geology –High pressure hydrocarbon formations –Remote operations –Environmental concerns –Minimal infrastructure Demand for energy service companies willing to work in remote regions and provide premium services
4 Successful Joint Venture Philosophy Joint venture should combine and enhance unique capabilities of each party Both parties must add value to the joint venture Both parties must receive fair value for their contributions to the joint venture Local content should drive cost out of the business model Must have a measurable benefit to our client There should be a strategic vision for the future of the joint venture
5 Remote Operations Producing fields are in remote locations Companies need experience in setting up operations without infrastructure support
6 Remote Locations Logistics are at a premium Energy service companies need good supply chain management systems to be successful
7 Local Workforce Able workforce willing to work hard to produce results Today over 90% of work force is trained local personnel
8 Large Oil Fields Tengiz field Caspian Sea –Kashagan Karachaganak Kazakhstan is expected to triple production in next 10 years! Kazakhstan Caspian Sea Russia Iran Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Azer. China Aral Sea Sea Tengiz Karachaganak
9 Safe Working Conditions
10 Great Place to Work E & P companies are expanding operations Reserves are increasing The Future is Bright!