Nationwide Education Campaign „Pregnancy with no alcohol” Malgorzata Klecka Foster Parenting Association (FASD therapist) FASD expert (PARPA) Doctoral student (Medical University of Silesia, Katowice)
About us Foster Family Association is the official partner of State Agency for Preventing Alcohol Related Problems in leading campaigne „Pregnancy with no alcohol”
History... In 2002 – the first International FAS Day in Poland in Ledziny With the support of Regional Center for Social Affairs Gloria Armistead (FAS UK)
FAS campaigne history 2003 – III FAS Day in Warsaw (with PARPA) in Mother and Child Institute 2004 – back to Ledziny
We DO have children with FASD with a tragic life history Lack of diagnosis and treatment
Questions and problems: How many FASD children in Poland do we have? Do Polish women drink alcohol during pregnancy? What are diagnostis criteria and treatment standards? FASD does not exist in our statistics
2006 – the first studies conducted in Poland showed: Every third woman (33%) aged drinks alcohol during pregnancy As many as 16% of women with higher education think that drinking alcohol does not cause harm to the fetus Almost two-third of pregnant women have not been warned by doctors against negative consequences Myths: red wine is good in pragnancy!!
Nearly700 local governments at both municipal and provincial level have joined the campaigne
Pregnancy with no alcohol Since September Tv and radio spot, billboards, city lights - press and broadcasting releases - over 659 thousand „Pregnancy with no alcohol” leaflets brochures and books - A Child for life film - FAScinating children exibition of photographs
There is still a need... Early diagnosis Support for families Treatment system
IX FAS Day – Ledziny - Katowice - Poznań 2010? European FASD Conferrence?
Thank you!