Competitive Intelligence
AGENDA What Coalition does Competitive Intelligence – why, who and what value? Case Study Summary Q & A
3 COALITION PEOPLEPLACES PRODUCTSPERFORMANCE ENTITY CLIENT identification, valuation, gaps, coverage, contact HUMAN CAPITAL management, planning, recruiting, contact COMPETITOR all metrics, all regions, all products INFORMATION MODEL APPLICATIONS HYPERLINK 1
5 Competitive Intelligence – Who uses it and why? Continual Uses Continual Performance Benchmarking – Internal Continual Performance Benchmarking – External GAP Analysis Strategic Reviews Typical Characteristics Primarily Quantitative Regular, mandated updates – ¼ / semi / annual Typically Owned / Needed by: Senior Management, CFO group, Strategy groups, Heads of Divisions Project Uses Deep investigation into a specific product set, specific institutions, countries. Pre M&A investigation / action Typical Characteristics Mixture of Quantitative and Qualitative Metrics Event or Demand driven 2- 6 week lead time Typically Owned / Needed by: Product Heads, Business Management Function, Product COO / CFO
6 Case Study - Project “Sequent” Step 1 – Needs Assessment At a MACRO level the client wanted a data map of the region that allowed them to assess the overall value (in revenue terms) of the market in Credit Cards, Investment Banking (Primary and Secondary) and Commercial banking. At an ACTION level the client was focussed on the Investment Banking segment as the first step in their expansion in the region Options open to the client were defined as - Organic growth Joint Venture / Minority Purchase with existing domestic entity Acquisition of domestic entity Step 2 – Define the Metrics MACRO High Level view of revenue and opportunities in Credit Cards and Commercial Banking ACTION Organic Growth : Map 4 Major Peers across : People, Places, Products, Performance Joint Venture : Track performance of the existing peer owned 2 relevant JV’s - quantitative and qualitative Acquisition: 4 Domestic entities fit the profile - People, Places, Products, Performance THE ASK Investment Bank A wanted to explore the options available to them in establishing a major presence in Russia
7 Case Study – Project “Sequent” Step 3 – Standard Data Sources PUBLIC DOMAIN FSA register, NASD register, Annual Report and Accounts, Websites, Publicity material, Press releases, Trade Journals, Investor Conferences, 10k’s, 10Q’s IN-HOUSE Knowledge holders, thought leaders COMMISIONED RESEARCH Step 3a – Bespoke Data Sources PUBLIC DOMAIN + Russian Central Bank, local social websites, local business journals, specialist regional publications IN-HOUSE Identified 44 key ‘knowledge holders ‘nternally COALITION RESEARCH NETWORK 2 X Domestic Financial Business Journalists THE DATA Investment Bank A wanted to explore the options available to them in establishing a major presence in Russia
8 Case Study - Project “Sequent” Step 5 – Strawman -Sets and manages expectations from day one -Highlights areas of weakness / concern for data gathering -Walk through … Step 6 – Execution and Data Gathering Step 6 – Execution and Data Gathering EXECUTION AND DATA GATHERING -Central holding file – agreed ownership and rights -Layer Public and Internal knowledge -Commission bespoke research to gap fill / verify -Walk through … HYPERLINK 3HYPERLINK 2 THE PROCESS
9 Case Study – Project “Sequent” NOTES NOTES BEFORE Ensure all stakeholders have given feedback Ensure any remaining “data differences” are reconciled or highlighted in advance DURING Highlight methodology, limitations, error margins and any unreconciled data issues at the start Use visuals / graphics Leave plenty of time for Q&A THE OUTPUT HYPERLINK 4 HYPERLINK 5 THE PRESENTATION
10 Summary How we look at Information Benefits to your Company Benefits to You Basic Principles Case Study
11 Q & A