Artemis Welcome to Artemis
Artemis The Victoria Climbie Foundation UK is happy to support the aim of the Artemis: Children’s Workforce Induction Programme tool as it aligns very much to the aims of the Foundation
Artemis Web enabled, online e-learning Nationally used suite of e-learning It provides consistent, quality learning generating common and shared language across the whole Children’s Workforce Developed by practitioners for practitioners
Artemis Academically Artemis is level 2/3 in keeping with the academic achievement level of the Children, Young People and Families Workforce Produces a certificate and a document of learning outcomes for each course for every learner Artemis Resources website always available Every learner has to complete an online evaluation for each course. All feedback is used to update and change the course on a regular basis
Artemis Using e-learning. Can be stand alone, facilitated, self-directed. Complimentary to existing traditionally delivered learning and e-learning can be used as a pre-requisite to traditionally delivered courses as well as a refresher.
Artemis Artemis courses are part of the SSCB and Early Help core learning offer. Organisational Effectiveness Team support people across the wider Children’s Workforce including Foster Carers, Childminders, Firefighters and Faith Groups
Artemis Current Artemis courses and duration: Children’s Workforce E-learning Programme (6-8 hours) Information Sharing (45 minutes) Working with Parents (45 minutes) Working with Children and Young People with Disabilities (90 minutes) Understanding Child Attachment (45 minutes) Child Protection Level 1 (90 minutes) Integrated Working (60 minutes) Promoting Participation (60 minutes) Child Sexual Exploitation (60 minutes) For VCOs - Fire Safety (60 minutes)
Artemis courses under development:- Child Poverty Emotional Wellbeing and Risky Behaviours Assessed and Supported Year in Practice (ASYE) Introduction to Permanency and Adoption Improving Childhood Health Outcomes Awareness of Domestic Abuse, Forced Marriage, Honour Based Violence and Female Genital Mutilation
Artemis Organisational Effectiveness Team Pam Pulsford – Manager Jan Wakefield – Project Manager Jenny Tarrant – Project Officer