ITU-T SG 15 Work on Interoperability and Conformance Helmut Schink, Vice Chair of SG 15 Nokia Siemens Networks Regional ITU Consultation on Conformance Assessment and Interoperability for the Africa Region July 30-31, 2010 Nairobi, Kenya, July 2010
2 Lisbon, Portugal, February 2010 Plenipotentiary Conference ITU Council ITU-T World Telecom Standardization Assembly ITU-R World/Regional Radiocomm Conference Radiocomm Assembly ITU-D World/Regional Telecom Development Conference General Secretariat TELECOM ITU Structure
3 ITU-T Structure Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group WTSA World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly Study Group SG Workshops, Seminars, Symposia … IPR Ad hoc Working Party Questions: Develop Recommendations SG WP Q Q Q Q Q Q Focus Group Nairobi, Kenya, July 2010
4 Study Group 15: Overview General area of study is on Optical transport networks and access network infrastructures SG 15 is the focal point in ITU T for the development of standards on optical and other transport network infrastructures, systems, equipment, optical fibres, and the corresponding control plane technologies to enable the evolution toward intelligent transport networks. This encompasses the development of related standards for the customer premises, access, metropolitan and long haul sections of communication networks. Nairobi, Kenya, July 2010
5 Optical Access Metallic Access Home / Access Long Haul Terrestrial & Submarine / Regional Study Group 15: Overview Nairobi, Kenya, July 2010
6 Study Group 15: Main Areas for Interoperability Required Home networking Access (DSL, PON) optical transport, framing, cross connecting Packet transport Involved aspects: Physical layer Control layer Management layer Not technically / econimically feasible (Ultra) Long Haul line interfaces Not applicable Deployment scenarios Architectures Cable properties Nairobi, Kenya, July 2010
7 Study Group 15 and the main Criteria for interoperability 6 Criteria developed by JCA-CIT Position of SG 15: … are formally specified in SDL and ASN.1 for use with commercial tools …..typically those, incl. parameter values, are written in clear text … sufficient detail, parameter details and values … approx. 150 Recs comply …acc. to Supplement 1 to Recommendation X.290 … developed for Data Networks and Open System …contain: …Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes, ICS proforma, Implementation EXtra Information for Testing (IXIT) proforma most test work done outside SG 15 Interfaces for connectivity and testing fully defined approx. 15 comply … are currently used in products in todays market SG 15 does not have this information Nairobi, Kenya, July 2010
8 Study Group 15: the Ecosystem Interop tests are done outside SG 15 Initiative driven by industry Operators Vendors SG 15 supports this and uses feedback for improvement of Recommendations Nairobi, Kenya, July 2010
9 Example: xDSL The Broadband Forum (previously known as DSL Forum) has a DSL testing and interoperability program consisting of: Plugfests to aid the development of equipment Testing of equipment by recognized independent testing labs per BBF testing specifications Development of testing specifications: SHDSL: TR-060 ADSL: TR-067 ADSL2/plus: TR100/105 VDSL2: TR114/115 Nairobi, Kenya, July 2010
10 Example: Optical Transport Key organisations performing testing: OIF and MEF. In general, these interopability events will involve testing interoperability of "capabilities". For OIF, the capability being tested may involve a collection of standards including ITU-T Recommendations, IETF RFCs, IEEE standards, and OIF implementation agreements. For MEF, it is generally MEF implementation agreements together with the relevant standards of IEEE or ITU-T (e.g., Ethernet OAM). Some publically available documentation: Nairobi, Kenya, July 2010
11 Example: Home Networking SG 15 produces the basic standards Close collaboration with HGF and BBF Interoperability driven by Homegrid Forum and Broadband Forum See attached slides: Nairobi, Kenya, July 2010
12 T/studygroups/com15/index.asp