FRIB-China: Workshop Goals The purpose of this meeting is to bring together scientists from China and from the U.S., with interests in the physics of radioactive nuclei and in building of bridges between nuclear and hadronic physics. We wish to explore various forms of collaborative endeavors in experiment and in theory relevant to the science program of the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB). Recognizing that the quantum chromodynamics provides intellectual foundations for nuclear physics, on the hadronic side, we wish to explore the connections between low- and medium-energy physics. The plenary part of the scientific program of the workshop will cover the recent progress in collaborative efforts tied to FRIB and in the interdisciplinary connections. The parallel sessions will be devoted to meetings of Working Groups. The Working Group reports will be presented during the last day of the Workshop together with Workshop's conclusions.
Agency agreements exist between DOE/SC and China: Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS); Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), and the Chinese National Science Foundation (NNSFC) Korea : Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) India: Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), Ministry of Science and Technology MSU/FRIB has to determine whether it embraces this type of international collaboration / joint venture in principle? What would be the mission that justifies creating a unique structure with one or a limited number of partners, versus more standard institution-to-institution collaborative agreements? Is that mission liable to attract foreign partners; does it allow for those partners to uniquely enable science in which they can be viewed as international leaders? What would be the relationship of such a structure to other structures being planned at MSU (e.g., the FRIB Theory Center ?). Is it sufficiently unique?
What is in there for us? Working Group presentations and discussions will be crucial. Identify areas for collaborations that would significantly benefit both parties Outcome? Working Group reports and a short workshop report. Do we have a critical mass? Important to communicate our expectations clearly. An opportunity! Exciting perspectives Potential benefits for FRIB/MSU and nuclear physics community in China