Welcome to Friday Coffee Mornings! 7 th November 2014 Reading Benefits
This half term – Autumn 2 Cold and Dark Children in Need next week Donations of books/toys/ Clothes for sale Staff Fundraising!!
Using GO POWER to help us to GO Shine - Reading
For your children…
I can……show pride Be organised Tell myself “Reading is important I must do it!”
I can...be optimistic Be so enthusiastic and excited about reading Pick up your book, check it out, choose a good one! Make the effort.
I can…be wise Be interested, be curious Get reading, find out what it is all about. Find a non fiction book on a topic you like!
I can…have energy Be a good reader – I will never give up Read a few extra pages
I can…show respect Look after and treasure a good book
For us…
Why Read?
BIOLOGICAL FACT Brain function 'boosted for days after reading a novel‘ The Independent Newspaper
RESEARCH FACT Promoting reading can have a major impact on children/young people and adults and their future Parents and the home environment are essential to the early teaching of reading and the fostering of a love of reading. National Literacy Trust
RESEARCH FACT Reading for pleasure during childhood has a substantial influence on a person's vocabulary 30 years later Frequent childhood readers continued to read throughout their twenties and thirties. The Institute of Education (London)
RESEARCH FACT People who are regular readers also appeared to be more creative thinkers and less prone to snap judgements University of Toronto
RESEARCH FACT Reading for fun improves children's brains A study of 17,000 people from birth indicates that reading for pleasure improves not just literacy, but maths ability too. The Guardian Newspaper 2013
RESEARCH FACT Children whose parents frequently read with them in their first year of school are still showing the benefit when they are 15 OECD Study 2011
Tips for Reading and Encouraging Older Children Let your children see you reading…anything!! Encourage children to join in - ask a child to read out a recipe for you as you cook, or the TV listings when you are watching TV. Give, and encourage others to give, books or book tokens as presents. Visit the library regularly and enjoy spending time choosing new books Encourage children to carry a book at all times so they can read on journeys or in spare moments – you can do this too!
Keep reading together. There are lots of books that both adults and young people can enjoy. Try The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon, the Harry Potter series, or The Life of Pi by Yann Martel. Read books you can all talk about but make the talk light-hearted, not testing or over-questioning Go to bookshops Make sure your home is a reading home - have a family bookshelf and make sure there are shelves in your children's bedrooms as well. Don't panic if your child reads the same book over and over again - be honest, we've probably all done it! Encourage your children and their friends to swap books with each other - this will encourage them to talk and think about the books they are reading.
The Big Shine GO Kid question - What are my favourite types of book?
What types of books are there? (Genres)
What types of books are there? Science fiction Satire Drama Romance Mystery, Adventure, Thriller Horror Self help Guide Travel Children's Religious Science History Math Poetry Encyclopedias Dictionaries Comics Art Cookbooks Diaries Journals Prayer books Series Biographies Autobiographies Fantasy
Sites to explore – maybe??? The Big Book Babble
Next Week… Positive Discipline!