Year 3 Team Assistant Head of Lower School Miss Kerry Negus Teachers Mr David Footman Williams (Year Leader) Mr Peter Evans Miss Katy Green Mrs Ann Granger Miss Georgina Child Assistant Head – SENCo Mrs Sheena Osborne Teaching Assistants Mrs Liz Webb Mrs Natalie Skilton Mrs Mala Thiselton Mrs Ann Miles Mrs Julie Vohra Mrs Valerie Hill Mrs Liz Martin Mrs Julia Hollens
What will we be teaching? English Maths Science Computing RE Music Art & Design What is a superhero? Why do we play? Where in the world do we come from? Who were the greatest builders? How do we grow? PE & Games Spanish PSHE
Looking ahead Parent Consultation Evenings: Wednesday 11 th November (3.30 – 5.00 and then 6.00 – 8.00pm) Thursday 12 th November (3.30 – 6.00pm) Maths Workshops for parents on addition, subtraction. multiplication and division. Dates to be confirmed shortly. 30 th Sept - Individual pupil photos 29 th Sept - PTA AGM 7.30pm 6 th October – e-safety event (parents) 14/15 th Oct – Just Different Visit 23 rd Oct – Superhero Day – (Costume) Fireworks’ Night on Friday 6 th November at 6.00pm 18 th Nov – Lower School Pizza Lunch 5 th Dec - Xmas Fair – – 3.00pm 10 th Dec - Lower School Disco, 5.00 – 6.30pm 14 th Dec – Children’s Xmas Lunch (Chartwells) Summer Term Year 3 Residential – 7 – 8 th July
Pupil Planners Link between home and school. Bring it in everyday. Pupil Planners signed by a parent once a week. Handed in once a week to be signed by teacher.
Reading in detail Year 3 children should read out loud to an adult at least once a week and to themselves 4 times a week at home (approximately 20 minutes each time). If your child needs more support in their reading, they will become a ‘Pirate’ reader or put onto a program called Easy Read. Progress will be carefully monitored and parents will be informed. Parents are very welcome to help in each class with reading. It is helpful to make sure the books are suitable for your child’s ability. The children can borrow books from our school library and take these home. PLANNER – Please note any pages/chapters read independently or to you.
All H/W will be set on a Tuesday and due in the following Monday. Approximate time spent – 20 minutes per piece of homework. Topic and Targets set each Tuesday. One week will be spelling targets and the next will be maths targets. All H/W to be completed in a H/W book.
I will learn number bonds to 100 I will learn number bonds to 10 Let your child make number cards 1 – 9. Time how fast they can put pairs together and write down 1 + 9, etc. Can they spot a pattern that will help them to make 100 ( ) Let your child make number cards 1 – 9. Can they spot a unit pattern that will help them to make 100 (6 + 4 = 10, so = 100) Time how long it takes them to write 10 problems FOR BETTER COMMUNICATION AND HOMEWORK – THINK TUESDAY! Every fortnight = maths targets will be given out on stickers on a Tuesday so that you can see exactly where your child is in their learning. Feel free to support your child with them over the 2 week period. Children to show evidence of their working on the pages provided.
Uniform No jewellery except for a wrist watch and one pair of stud ear-rings Ear-rings to be taken out for PE and Games Hair tied back Games kit to include trainers Tracksuit for colder weather PE kit to be in school the whole week Cardigans or jumpers can be worn Correct shoes – black Named please!
Absence Phone call early on first morning of absence. Please let us know of any unavoidable appointments prior to the day. If a child is well enough to attend school then he/she is well enough to participate in PE & Games, unless a note is sent in with a clear explanation.
How can you help? In school Forest Schools Times tables Helping and supporting with targets Homework Reading Fostering independence & organisation Tell your child’s teacher about any concerns Friends of Maidenbower Junior School.
Change is stressful and tiring! Tired children = Less learning/ poor concentration!
Thank-you for coming!