Compassion in Practice Action Area Five
Developing the culture of compassionate care 2
3 Six Areas for Action Helping people to stay independent, maximising well-being and improving health outcomes Working with people to provide a positive experience of care Delivering high quality care and measuring impact Building and strengthening leadership Ensuring we have the right staff, with the right skills in the right place Supporting positive staff experience
Action Area 5: ‘ensuring we have the right staff, with the right skills in the right place’
National Quality Board Guidance Available at: content/uploads/2013/11/nqb-how-to-guid.pdf 5
Good Practice Guidance National Quality Board guidance published on 19/11/13 Includes ten expectations and twenty case studies Six themes – Accountability and responsibility Evidence-based decision making Supporting and fostering a professional environment Openness and transparency Planning for future workforce requirements Role of commissioning Two national events held in March 2014 to support implementation 6
Hard Truths Department of Health response to the Francis Inquiry Hard Truths. The Journey to Putting Patients First; includes the requirement for that: ‘from April 2014, and by June 2014 at the latest, NHS Trusts will publish ward level information on whether they are meeting their staffing requirements. Actual versus planned nursing and midwifery staffing will be published every month; and every six months Trust boards will be required to undertake a detailed review of staffing using evidence based tools’. First published 24 th June 2014 and monthly thereafter 7
Workforce Planning Tools Safer Nursing Care Tool Guidance and Multipliers updated in July IPAD-APP in development to record SNCT acuity and dependency scores at the bedside and generate local reports – proof of concept stage complete Birthrate Plus - RCM published updated guidance in autumn 2013 Safer Nursing Care Tool for Acute Admission Units launched May Safer Nursing Care Tool for Children’s In-Patient Wards for approval by Shelford Group (November 2014) Safer Nursing Care Tool for Accident and Emergency Departments being finalised with Shelford Group Mental Health Inpatient Staffing Framework (awaiting publication imminently) Work underway to identify / develop tools for Learning Disability and Community settings 8
Expanding the Evidence Base Scoping report on impact of 12 hour shifts (NNRU) – being finalised for publication Literature review undertaken for Mental Health and Learning Disability workstreams Research being commissioned on: impact of supervisory status for lead sister / charge nurse or equivalent links between staff numbers and outcomes (patient and staff) More in-depth research on impact of 12 hour shifts on staff (RNs and HCSWs) and patients 9
Education and Training HEE and NHS England joint work to develop an education and training package on safe staffing for nurses and midwives Working group being established Week of action from 8 th December – webinars / twitter chats 10
NICE Guidelines on Safe Staffing Francis Report and Berwick Review identified role for NICE NICE will produce evidence-based guidelines on cost-effective safe staffing levels for the NHS NICE will quality assure any associated practical tools to support safe staffing 1 st topic focussed on nursing staff in adult wards in acute settings 11
NICE Guidelines on Safe Staffing nursing-in-adult-inpatient-wards-in-acute-hospitals10 Final guidelines were published 15 July Guidance for Midwifery staffing consultation closed. Final publication due February 2015 Guidance for Accident and Emergency Units consultation 12/1/15 – 6/2/15. Final publication due May 2015 Future guideline topics – mental health, community, learning disability (dates TBC) 12