All About Me Personal, social and emotional development Objectives: To separate from main carer without support; Form good relationships with peers and adults; initiate conversations and take account of what others say; welcome and value praise; manage own feelings and behaviour; adapt to different events, social situations and changes in routine. Activities: Circle times—develop classroom rules and awareness of boundaries ‘Find a new friend week’ Assemblies—singing, good work, school values, Golden Bear SEAL—new beginnings Transition—developing routines e.g. book bags, coats, self-registration, lunch time Turn taking games—managing winning and losing Hide and seek—familiarising with classroom Classes RAC, RCO, RPH, RVC Year group: Reception Term: Autumn 1 Physical development Objectives: Draw lines and circles using gross motor movements; use one-handed tools; hold pencil correctly; copy own name; travel with confidence and skill around, over and through balancing equipment; begin to manage dressing Activities: PE—Dance Write and party games Learning to fasten zips, buttons and velcro What can I do with my body? - running, hopping, skipping, crawling, jumping Name cards—writing own name Junk modelling, cutting, play-doh, families Communication and language development Objectives: Listen to others in small groups; follow simple instructions; begin to understand ‘why’ and ‘how’ questions; join in with rhymes and stories and anticipate key events; retell events in past tense and correct sequence; use language to recreate roles and experiences. Phase 1 (Aspects 1- 7) (Autumn 1 & 2) Activities: Book talk—retelling simple stories orally Role-play—home corner Plan, Do, Review—discussing learning Show and tell—familiar objects from home Golden Bear assembly—retelling events Nature Walks Exploring musical instruments and their sounds Singing Rhyming & alliteration activities Understanding ‘sound talk’ Understanding the world Objectives: Talks about significant events in their own experience; talk about similarities and differences in relation to themselves and family; knows that information can be retrieved from computers; use technology for particular purposes; Talk about why things happen and how things work; Shows care and concern for living things and the environment; different customs (Diwali) Activities: Mapping—significant places in school e.g. toilets, office, medical room, dining hall; Senses—feely boxes, fruit tasting, sound walk, smelly socks; Significant events —birthday, holiday; ICT—role-play (mobile phones, remote controls, cameras), use of i- pads; The World - Harvest Festival Literacy Objectives: listen to and join in with stories; suggest how stories might end; know that print carries meaning; give meaning to mark making; write own name; understand ‘Sound Talk’ Activities: Daily phonics teaching and handwriting activities Regular testing of high frequency words. Pie Corbett – The Gingerbread Man and The Little Red Hen (Learning story off by heart with actions). Reading— weekly guided groups and individual reading Book talk— story time including ‘The Birth- day Presents’, ‘Pass the Jam Jim’, ‘Sam I am’ Writing—party invitations, birthday cards, shopping lists, labelling body parts, own name. Mathematics Objectives: Use number names accurately; order, count and write numbers to 5; match numbers to quantity; compare objects; solve simple problems; use positional language e.g. over, under; order items by height. Activities: Role-play—place settings for a party Cooking—weighing, making face biscuits, sandwiches Measuring—different body parts, creating a class height chart Comparing and ordering—heights, hand size Sequencing—school day pictures Problem solving—related to birthday parties Expressive arts and design Objectives: Sing familiar songs; use movement to express feelings; experiment with colour and texture; create props to support role- play; use various construction materials Activities: Ourselves—portraits using paint and collage Party materials— decorating plates, cups, hats, balloons Music and movement—party games, exploring how instruments make sounds Printing—using different parts of the body Songs—Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes etc Class trips/visitors Parents/carers in class painting portraits Visit to local church Christmas show Home learning High frequency word list sent home Reading—daily reading practise Sound books— sound of the day Photos—significant events, home, baby