Plenipotentiary Side Event: Accessible ICTs for Persons with Disabilities Session SE3 Thursday, 14 October 2010 Cynthia D. Waddell, Juris Doctor ICDRI Executive Director Update: UNCRPD & U.S. 21 st Century Communications & Video Accessibility Act
PP10 Guadalajara, Mexico | 14 October Overview Update on UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities Update on UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities Highlights of 21 st Century Communications & Video Accessibility Act Highlights of 21 st Century Communications & Video Accessibility Act
PP10 Guadalajara, Mexico | 14 October ©
5 UNCRPD Article 9: Accessible ICT includes Article 9: Accessible ICT includes 9(2)(g) to promote access for persons with disabilities to new ICTs and systems, including the Internet 9(2)(g) to promote access for persons with disabilities to new ICTs and systems, including the Internet
PP10 Guadalajara, Mexico | 14 October UNCRPD Article 9: Accessible ICT includes Article 9: Accessible ICT includes 9(2)(h) to promote the design, development, production and distribution of accessible ICTs and systems at an early stage, so that these technologies and systems become accessible at minimum cost. 9(2)(h) to promote the design, development, production and distribution of accessible ICTs and systems at an early stage, so that these technologies and systems become accessible at minimum cost.
PP10 Guadalajara, Mexico | 14 October st Century Communications & Video Accessibility Act Preserves Accessibility Features Preserves Accessibility Features Telephones Used over the Internet Must be Hearing Aid Compatible Telephones Used over the Internet Must be Hearing Aid Compatible Captioned TV Programs must also be captioned when delivered over the Internet Captioned TV Programs must also be captioned when delivered over the Internet
PP10 Guadalajara, Mexico | 14 October Legislation Highlights Requires Internet-based Service Providers to contribute to Interstate Relay Service Fund Requires Internet-based Service Providers to contribute to Interstate Relay Service Fund Requires Access to Internet services built-in to mobile telephone devices, if achievable Requires Access to Internet services built-in to mobile telephone devices, if achievable Defines achievable as reasonable effort or expense Defines achievable as reasonable effort or expense
PP10 Guadalajara, Mexico | 14 October Legislation Highlights Requires Clearinghouse of Information on Accessible Products and Services and Public Education and Outreach Requires Clearinghouse of Information on Accessible Products and Services and Public Education and Outreach Establishes Video Programming & Emergency Access Advisory Committee Establishes Video Programming & Emergency Access Advisory Committee Requires accessible set up boxes Requires accessible set up boxes
PP10 Guadalajara, Mexico | 14 October Contact Information Cynthia WADDELL Executive Director Law, Policy and Technology Subject Matter Expert International Center for Disability Resources on the Internet (ICDRI) Web: