Chapter 26 The Cold War Abroad and at Home Post war politics Anti-Communism and Containment Truman’s Domestic politics McCarthyism
Post War political setting Demobilization and Reconversion GI Bill of Rights Economic Boom Begins Truman’s Domestic Program
Anticommunism and containment Polarization and the Cold War The Iron Curtain Descends Containing Communism Confrontation in Germany The Cold War in Asia The Korean War
The Truman Admin at Home The 80 th Congress Politics of Civil Rights and the election of 1948 The Fair Deal
The Politics of Anticommunism Loyalty and Security The Anticommunist Crusade Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs McCarthyism The Election of 1952
Chapter 27 America at Midcentury Eisenhower Cold War Affluent society Consensus and Conservatism The Other America Seeds of Disquiet
The Eisenhower Presidency “Dynamic Conservatism” Downfall of McCarthy Jim Crow in Court Laws of the Land
Cold War Cont. Ike and Dulles CIA Covert Actions Vietnam Domino Troubles in the Third World Eisenhower Legacy
Affluent Society New Industrial Society Ages of Computers Costs of Bigness Blue-Collar blues Prosperity and the Suburbs
Consensus and Conservatism Togetherness and the Baby Boom Domesticity Religion and Education The Culture of the 50s The Television Culture
The Other America Poverty and Urban Blight Blacks’ Struggle for Justice Latinos and Latinas Native Americans
Seeds of Disquiet Sputnik A Different Beat Portents of Change
Chapter 28 Liberal Era JFK Struggle for Black Equality Liberalism Ascendant Voices of Protest The Liberal Crusade in Vietnam
JFK Presidency A New Beginning Kennedy’s Domestic Record Cold War Activism To the Brink of Nuclear War 1000 Day Presidency
The Struggle for Black Equality Non violence and Violence The African-American Revolution The march on Washington Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act Fire in the Streets Black Power
Liberalism Ascendant Johnson Takes Over Election of1964 Triumphant Liberalism The Warren Court in the 60s
Voices of Protest Native American Activism Hispanic Americans Organize Asian-American Activism A Second Feminist Wave Women’s Liberation
The Liberal Crusade in Vietnam Kennedy and Vietnam Escalation of the War The Endless War Doves V Hawks
Chapter 29 A time of Upheaval The Youth Movement The Counterculture 1968 Politics of Upheaval Nixon and World Politics Domestic Problems and Divisions The Crisis of the Presidency
Youth Movement Toward a New Left From protest to Resistance Kent State and Jackson State Legacy of Student Frenzy
Counterculture Hippies and Drugs Musical Revolution The Sexual Revolution Gay Liberation
1968 politics of Upheaval The Tet Offensive A Shaken President Assassinations and Turmoil Conservative Resurgence
Nixon and World Politics Vietnamization LBJ’s War becomes Nixon’s War America’s Longest War Ends Détente Shuttle Diplomacy
Domestic Problems and Divisions The Nixon Presidency A Troubled Economy Law and Order The Southern Strategy
The Crisis of the Presidency The Election of 1972 The Watergate Upheaval A President Disgraced
Chap 30 Conservative Resurgence, Economic Woes, Foreign Challenges Cultural Trends Economic and Social Changes Years of Malaise Reagan Revolution? Reagan’s Second Term
Cultural Trends Personal Pursuits and Diversions Changing Gender Roles and Sex Behavior The Persistence of Social Activism Grass-Roots Conservatism Evangelical Protestants Mobilize
Economic and Social Changes in Post 1960s America Changing Economy 2 Worlds of Black America Brightening Prospects for Native Americans New Patters of Immigration
Years of Malaise Caretaker Presidency of Gerald Ford The Outsider as Insider: President Carter The Middle East: Peace Accords and Hostages Troubles and Frustration as Carter’s Term ends
The Reagan Revolution Roots of the Reagan Revolution Reaganomics The “Evil Empire” and the Crisis in the Mid East Military Buildup and Antinuclear Protest Reagan Reelected
Reagan’s Second Term Supreme Court Appointments, Budget Deficits, the Iran –Contra Scandal Reagan’s Mission to Moscow The Middle East: Tensions and Terrorism Assessing the Reagan Years
Chapter 31 Beyond the Cold War Bush Years Clinton Era Clinton Foreign Policy Clinton Era Over Cultural Trends
The Bush Years The Election of 1988 Cold War Ends Persian Gulf War Home-Front Problems and Domestic Policies 1992: Clinton Versus Bush and Perot
The Clinton Era Begins: Debating Domestic Policy Shaping a Domestic Agenda A Sharp Right Turn
The Economic Boom of the 90s An Uneven Prosperity America and the Global Economy
Clinton’s Foreign Policy The Balkans, Russia, and Eastern Europe in the Post Soviet Age The Mid East Nuclear Proliferation, Terrorism and Peacekeeping A New World Order
The Clinton Era Ends Campaign of 1996 Scandal Election of 2000: Bush v Gore
Cultural Trends of the 1990s Pearl Jam Affluence and a Search for heroes Outbursts of Violence Stir Concern Cultural Wars: A Broader View
Chapter 32 Global Dangers
America Under Attack Bush Admin Begins Day of Horror Confronting the Enemy in Afghanistan Tightening Home-Front Security The Campaign in Iraq
Politics and the Economy in Bush’s First Term Economic Reverses and Corporate Scandals The republican Domestic Agenda Campaign Finance Reform and the election of 2004
Foreign Policy in a Threatening Era The Continuing Struggle in Iraq Nuclear Proliferation Threats A widening Trade Gap and China’s Growing Power Environmental Hazards Become a Global Concern
Social and Cultural Trends Increasingly Diverse People Upward Mobility and Social Problems The “New Economy” and the Old
Domestic Policy Funding Social Security and Health Care and Federal Deficits Hurricane Katrina Extending Republican influence Debating Immigration The Election of 1906