Developing Talent Enhancing Careers Improving Student Learning REIL “Update” Rewarding Excellence in Instruction and Leadership Education Service Agency
Outcomes for Today’s Session By the end of this session, you will be able to: share the meaning of the acronym “REIL.” state at least two ways the REIL grant affects you, as a teacher.
REIL Need Why Implement a Performance-Based Management System?
The Need for REIL Impact of Principal and Teacher on Student Achievement Student Percentile Entering Student Percentile Leaving Average School/ Average Teacher 50 th Highly Ineffective School/ Highly Ineffective Teacher 50 th 3 rd Highly Effective School/ Highly Ineffective Teacher 50 th 37 th Highly Ineffective School/ Highly Effective Teacher 50 th 63 rd Highly Effective School/ Average Teacher 50 th 78 th Highly Effective School/ Highly Effective Teacher 50 th 96 th Source: McREL
Measuring Our Progress REIL Goals and Objectives
Achieving REIL Change
REIL Goals and Objectives Goal 1: Ensure students graduate college-and-career ready by increasing student achievement & growth in all content areas. Goal 2: Enhance careers for effective teachers & principals by implementing a fiscally sustainable PBCS. Goal 3: Develop talent in teaching & leading through a sustainable, comprehensive program of performance- based evaluation & support. Objective 1.1: By June 2013, 100% of Alliance School Districts will implement a data management system so that ALL teachers & principals will use data to inform and improve instruction. Objective 2.1: By June 2013, 100% of Alliance School Districts will implement performance pay for effective teachers & principals by providing differential & substantial compensation based on demonstrated performance. Objective 3.1: By June 2014, 100% of Alliance School Districts will implement and validate a rigorous, transparent, and fair evaluation system with inter-rater reliability that uses multiple evaluations & measures to determine teacher/principal effectiveness. Objective 1.2: By June 2014, 100% of Alliance School Districts will implement a value-added model for ALL teachers & principals. Objective 2.2: By June 2015, 100% of Alliance School Districts will identify and/or reallocate non-TIF funds to sustain performance-based compensation model. Objective 3.2: By June 2011, 100% of Alliance School Districts will implement a communication structure to ensure that teachers and principals will understand the specific measures of teacher and principal effectiveness included in the performance- based evaluation system. Objective 1.3: By June 2015, there will be a 10 percentage point increase in the percentage of students meeting or exceeding the State standard, and a 15 percentage point decrease in students falling far below the standard in State- tested STEM content areas. Objective 2.3: By June 2015, 100% of Alliance School Districts will provide financial incentives to recruit & retain effective teachers in hard-to-staff positions. Objective 3.3: By June 2013, 100% of Alliance School Districts will implement a high quality professional development & support system for teachers and principals linked to the performance-based evaluation system. At a Glance p.5
Timeline for Evaluation System At a Glance p. 6
Timeline for Compensation System At a Glance, p. 6
REIL Input
Communication & Collaboration A dynamic communication and involvement structure will support implementation and problem resolution.
Outcomes for Today’s Session By the end of this session, you will be able to: share the meaning of the acronym “REIL.” state at least two ways the REIL grant affects you, as a teacher.
April Castillo REIL Field Specialist You may contact me via at Contact