Acting Against Irresponsible Programs/Ads
Weight Loss Cases by Decade
Fat Trapper (chitosan) purports to prevent absorption of dietary fat Exercise in a Bottle (pyruvate) purports to increase body’s capacity to burn fat
Ad Claims Eat what you want and never ever... diet again Enjoy... fried chicken, pizza, cheeseburgers, even butter and sour cream, and stop worrying about the weight
FTC Takes Enforma to Court!
Weight Loss Advertising Workshop November 19, 2002 Purpose: Explore New Approaches Science, Industry, & Media Workshop Report 12/09/03 Meaningful guidance Media screening Self regulation Partnerships Continued monitoring and law enforcement
Meaningful Guidance FTC staff report identifies seven obviously false weight-loss advertising claims Claims are included in FTC’s Red Flag Reference Guide Useful for media, advertisers, and consumers
Media Screening Screening is voluntary Standards based on the identified false claims Over-the-top, outrageous claims
Red Flag Claims OTC drugs, dietary supplements, creams, wraps, devices, and patches
7 Red Flag Claims Lose two pounds or more per week (for a month or more) without dieting or exercise. “I lost 15 pounds in 30 days without having to change my eating habits or lifestyle in any way. See results fast without back-breaking exercise.” Eat what you want! The more you eat, the more you will lose and we’ll show you how. “My ‘formula for living’ lets you eat: hamburgers, hot dogs, fries, steak, ice cream, sausage, bacon, eggs and cheeses! And STILL LOSE WEIGHT!”
7 Red Flag Claims continued Weight loss will be permanent (even when the user stops using the product). “Tired of yo-yo diets without success? This miracle product lets you lose the weight easily and permanently.” Block the adsorption of fat or calories, and lose substantial weight. “This product blocks fat before your body absorbs it; the pounds will melt away effortlessly.”
7 Red Flag Claims continued Consumers can safely lose more than three pounds per week for a period of more than four weeks. “Lose pounds. Yes! You can lose three pounds per week, naturally and without side effects.” The product causes substantial weight loss for all users. “Everyone in our study lost substantial weight. Failure is impossible.” Diet patches, creams, wraps, earrings and other products worn on the body “Neptune Reducing Cream drops pounds and inches from your thighs.”
1-877-FTC-HELP Federal Trade Commission Bureau of Consumer Protection 601 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Room S-4302 Washington, DC Attention: Partnership for Healthy Weight Management
Other Ways to Get Involved Contact Better Business Bureau State attorney general’s office Inform the media outlet running the ad of your discontent Encourage professional organizations to speak out