THE SHORT TERM INSURANCE INDUSTRY Areas within the sector to be targeted Service Provider Corruption Business to Business Corruption Internal fraud and Corruption by employees Customer fraud Vehicle Salvage Industry Areas outside the sector to be targeted Licensing and Registration Department SAPS Vehicle Safeguarding Units Illegal import of motor vehicles
Anti Corruption Initiatives introduced to date Code of Conduct Information Sharing Data Base Insurance Fraudline Protocols Donation of R2 million Rand to Business Against Crime Operation Prado
LONG TERM INSURERS Areas within the sector to be targeted Disability Fraud (Individual and Group) Customer Fraud related to funeral benefit claims Fraudulent death claims Funeral Business Retrenchment Cover Areas outside the sector to be targeted Funeral Parlours/ Mortuaries Syndicates that work across the industries within the financial services sector
Anti Corruption Initiatives introduced to date LOA Life and Claims Register Reference Code Insurance Fraudline jointly with the Short Term Insurers Assistance from the Scorpions
CHAMBER OF MINES Areas within the sector to be targeted Precious product theft Illicit gold markets White collar fraud and corruption Copper theft
Anti Corruption Initiatives introduced to date Internal corporate measures External measures Standing Committee on Security Industry and SAPS combined initiatives Collaboration to combat White Collar crime and fraud Collaboration to combat Copper theft
THE BANKING INSTITUTIONS Areas within the sector to be targeted In sectors that deal with the awarding of contracts, tenders, purchasing and credit facilities. Staff fraud Appointments for example valuators, panel members( e.g attorneys conducting transfers on property Credit application fraud Impersonation fraud Any area that can be exposed to syndicate onslaughts. Areas outside the sector to be targeted State departments (SAPS, justice, Deeds office, Master of the Supreme Court, health) Government tender processes Private Sector( any institution that could be awarded contracts)
Anti Corruption Initiatives introduced to date Zero Tolerance Policy Awareness and Communication Internal Fraud Units South African Fraud Prevention Service Business Against Crime Initiatives
BLACK MANAGEMENT FORUM Areas within the sector to be targeted Misappropriation of funds by members - funds used for something other than what they were intended for Business to Business corruption-between service providers and members of staff Accounting and Auditing practices Areas outside the sector to be targeted General fronting on Black Economic Empowerment deals (BEE as a sector) Financial services Local government Government procurement process
Anti Corruption Initiatives introduced to date B.M.F. Private Sector
RETAIL INDUSTRY Areas within the sector to be targeted Transportation and warehousing in appliances and pharmaceuticals. General reluctance by business to admit the scale of the problem Lack of investment in fraud prevention Identity theft Downplaying fraud statistics for fear of shareholder backlash
Anti Corruption Initiatives introduced to date Code of Conduct for the Consumer Council for South Africa Annual donations to Business Against Crime Kwa- Zulu Natal for the past four years – total in excess of R5 million. Established the Unilever Centre of Ethics and Natal University The South African Fraud Prevention Service