DUP-TEMIS WP2.6 Regional Aerosol Gerrit de Leeuw, FMI/UHEL/TNO Pekka Kolmonen, FMI Robin Schoemaker, TNO.


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Presentation transcript:

DUP-TEMIS WP2.6 Regional Aerosol Gerrit de Leeuw, FMI/UHEL/TNO Pekka Kolmonen, FMI Robin Schoemaker, TNO

TEMIS User workshop, Frascati, 8-9 October 2007 Objective Retrieval, implementation and validation of the regional tropospheric product for aerosols

TEMIS User workshop, Frascati, 8-9 October 2007 Workplan WP 2.6Regional aerosol Activity: Extending of the ATSR-aerosol service: Demonstration of a data delivery service for the Po-Valley. Time period:January 2005 – December 2007 ResponsibleTNO-DSS

TEMIS User workshop, Frascati, 8-9 October 2007 Workplan

TEMIS User workshop, Frascati, 8-9 October 2007 Developments (1) PI left TNO DSS per 1 January 2007 for FMI/UHEL Agreement between TNO and FMI: FMI takes over the responsibility for delivering a demonstration product TNO trains 2 people from Helsinki to use the AATSR aerosol retrieval algorithms (Jan 2007) TNO provides source codes and support AATSR aerosol retrieval algorithms installed in Helsinki: FMI: development & services Univ. of Helsinki: development and scientific applications Close cooperation between FMI & UHEL Currently 10 people working on aerosol retrieval (AATSR & OMI)

TEMIS User workshop, Frascati, 8-9 October 2007 Developments (2) Familarization (new people) Testing (using 2003 over Europe as test set): Bugs Cloud screening using forest fires Iberian Peninsula 2003 Low AOD and low SZA over Finland Development/Improvement: Improved cloud screening Aerosol types & mixtures Bright surfaces Statistical methods to improve reliability and quality

TEMIS User workshop, Frascati, 8-9 October x 10 km 2 1 x 1 km 2 10 x 10 km 2 High AOD near cloud edges AOD enhanced near cloud edges due to RH gradients For use in larger pixels, these are not representative, in particular for composite plots over longer time High st. dev. in, e.g. 10x10 km 2 pixels Remove to retain uncontaminated data

TEMIS User workshop, Frascati, 8-9 October 2007 Developments (3) Application: PO Valley (TEMIS) (user will be contacted when service demonstration ready Netherlands (NL project Satlink, users: TNO & MNP) Europe (NL project HIRAM, users: TNO & MNP) Effects natural aerosol (nucleation) on AOD? AQ in Finland due to forest fires, transport from Russia Aerosol over China (AMFIC) Global aerosol (EUCAARI, GEOMON, MACC) Validation AERONET PFR (WMO) Campaigns

TEMIS User workshop, Frascati, 8-9 October 2007 TEMIS progress: retrieval Spatial distribution of AOD (670), 17 April 2003

TEMIS User workshop, Frascati, 8-9 October 2007 TEMIS progress: Validation vs AERONET Ispra, 12 June 2003Venice, 2003

TEMIS User workshop, Frascati, 8-9 October 2007 TEMIS Progress: NRT Data availability: ftp from Rolling Archive: automated using script RAID: data stored on 2 HD Regular update with new data Example: AOD(670), Po Valley, 6 August 2007

TEMIS User workshop, Frascati, 8-9 October 2007 TEMIS Progress: NRT Automated selection area of interest (Po valley) Inclusion data processing in script QC: manual (later automated?) Comparison with AERONET (Ispra, Venice) Spatial variation and statistics Data presentation on website FMI, link from TEMIS website TEMIS website – examples Data description and background info User feedback: Data presentation Data use and use-ability

TEMIS User workshop, Frascati, 8-9 October 2007 TEMIS Progress Improvements: Aerosol models tuned to PO valley (a priori) Mixing ratio Cloud screening Extension to other regions: Europe for TNO & NILU (EMEP) Finland / Russia forest fires Contact with NERI (DK)

TEMIS User workshop, Frascati, 8-9 October 2007 Time Schedule NRT implementation and demonstration: October - November 2007 User interaction:November 2007 New User – other area (Finland?)?End of 2007 Improvements: Aerosol modelsEnd of 2007 Cloud screeningtbd

TEMIS User workshop, Frascati, 8-9 October 2007 Users TEMIS user: PO Valley (TEMIS) (user will be contacted when service demonstration ready Non-TEMIS users: Europe (NL project HIRAM, users: TNO & MNP) Netherlands (NL project Satlink, users: TNO & MNP) Work in progress: Effects natural aerosol (nucleation) on AOD? AQ in Finland due to forest fires, transport from Russia Aerosol over China (AMFIC) Global aerosol (EUCAARI, GEOMON, MACC) Potential future users: NERI (DK), MACC, MEGACITIES and several TEMIS workshop participants that expressed their interst on Day 1