International Telecommunication Union ICT Security Standards Roadmap: an Update Mike Harrop Rapporteur ITU-T, Study Group 17 Q4 3 rd ETSI Security Workshop 15/16 January 2008 Sophia-Antipolis, France
ITU-T Objective of Presentation o To review the objectives and status of the ICT Security Standards Roadmap o To provide an update on progress made since the last ETSI Security Workshop in January 2007 o To highlight next steps
ITU-T Roadmap Objectives o To assist in the development of security standards by bringing together information about existing standards and about work in progress o To provide information that will help potential users and other standards stakeholders to understand what security standards are available (or under development) and to provide information about the organizations working on these standards. o To help identify gaps where standards are needed
ITU-T Key developments over past year o ENISA and NISSG joined ITU-T as partners in developing the Roadmap o Part 2 (Database of standards) was upgraded to a searchable database (It was previously a flat file) o Part 5 (Best Practices) was introduced and initially populated.
ITU-T Roadmap Structure o Part 1 contains information about organizations working on ICT security standards o Part 2 is database of existing security standards o Part 3 lists (or links to) current projects and standards in development o Part 4 identifies future needs and proposed new standards o Part 5 (new) provides pointers to non-proprietary security best practices
ITU-T Some Key Points o Part 2 now includes ITU-T, ISO/IEC JTC1, ATIS, ETSI, ENISA, IETF, IEEE and OASIS o We have added ISO JTC1 SC37 biometrics standards to the data base plus the Harmonized Biometric Vocabulary to the Vocabulary section of Part 1. o The database format allows organizations to manage their own data o The database allows searching by organization or by topic (but full text parametric searching is not yet available).
ITU-T Next steps o Upgrade database to full parametric search o Resolve questions and issues discovered during the first updates to the database
ITU-T Outstanding Issues/Challenges o Taxonomy (always a challenge!) o Finding out about new standards and when to post them o Appearance of the database o Technical and process issues o Need to develop a short guide to the update process
ITU-T Roadmap Access o The Roadmap is available under on the ITU-T SG17 page under Special Projects and Issues o The direct URL is:
ITU-T Some useful web resources o ITU-T Home page o Study Group o Recommendations o ITU-T Lighthouse o ITU-T Workshops o Roadmap o Cybersecurity Portal
ITU-T Thank you. Any questions?