Water makes up a large portion of our body. Ammonia is found in urine as a waste product of breaking down proteins. Carbon dioxide is a waste product that we exhale. These molecules are all found in the human body.
Biomolecules Carbohydrates Proteins Lipids Nucleic acids
What is the purpose of eating food? to extract the organic compounds need to carry out chemical reactions (breaking down of proteins, carbohydrates) in our body
What did you have for breakfast?
So what makes up these biomelecules?
A smaller unit of molecules or monomer combines with other monomers to make a large molecule or polymer. Mono means single Poly means many
Macromolecules big molecules that are made up of smaller molecules
Carbohydrates Most abundant of the biomolecules Storage and transport of energy Sugar and starch Structural component (cellulose in plants)
Carbohydrates C,H,O hexagon shape
ex: sugars (monomer) combine to form starch (polymer) glucose
Proteins Large compounds made of amino acids in a chain Structural components of animal cells includes enzymes that catalyze (speed up) reactions Needed for metabolism & building muscle
Proteins C,H,O,N Y shaped zig-zag
Lipids Fats, oils, waxes, & cholesterol Energy storage Structural component of cell membrane insulation
Lipids C,H,O long chain
ex: glycerols (monomer) combine to form triglycerides (polymer)
Nucleic Acids made of nucleotides make up and store genetic material DNA/RNA code
ex: amino acids (monomer) combine to form protein (polymer)
ex: nucleotides (monomer) combine to form nucleic acids (polymer)
Dehydration Synthesis and Hydrolysis
What is happening during dehydration synthesis? Dehydrate = to remove water Synthesis = to make something Water molecules form
Monomers combine to form polymers + H2OH2O
What’s happening during a hydrolysis reaction? Hydro means water Lysis means to break apart Water (H 2 O) is used to break apart
Polymers break apart to form monomers + H2OH2O
Hydrolysis reaction