Carbon Footprinting for ICT Product/Services and Supply Chain
© Context Methodology for greenhouse gas accounting (aka footprinting) for organisations and projects has been standardised by WRI/WBCSD as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP) The GHGP also forms the basis for ISO14064 WRI/WBCSD has just started work on a new GHGP standard for products/services and supply chain The new standard will build on the GHGP and and will also use the principles of life cycle assessment (LCA) set out in ISO and The plan is to road test the new standard in mid prior to publication in mid-2010
© Issues ICT products and supply chain are far more complex than other sectors LCA has not been applied widely for ICT products and supply chain It will therefore be necessary to ensure that the new standard is developed in a way that is suitable for ICT products and supply chain This will also enable ICT-specific guidelines to be developed in parallel if necessary
© Proposal It is proposed that : 1.ITU members participate in relevant WRI/WBCSD Technical Working Groups to ensure that the new standard is suitable for the ICT sector 2.ITU-T (M) FG on ICT on and Climate Change establishes appropriate liaison with WRI/WBCSD