Acknowledgements:Steve Cook and Robert Molinari TSG-SEAS: Paul Chinn and Janet Roseli Operations: Derrick Snowden, James Farrington, and Carrie Wolff Data processing: Guilherme Castelao and Hiquin Yang Data distribution:Guilherme Castelao, Francis Bringas, and Joaquin Trinanes Web page development: Francis Bringas and Pedro DiNezio NOAA/NMFS Collab.: Jon Hare, Dan Smith, and Jack Jossie NOAA Marine Operations: Dennis Shields, Tom Stepka, and John Katebini Explorer of the Seas*: Rod Zika and Liz Williams Funded by the NOAA Office of Climate Observations * Funded by NOAA and NSF NOAA/AOML Thermosalinograph (TSG) Operations JCOMM SOT-4 Meeting Geneva, April 16-21, 2007 Gustavo Jorge Goni NOAA/AOML Miami, Florida
NOAA/AOML TSG project description
sea surface salinity (SSS) Provides key information on the variability of global precipitation, evaporation, and the fresh water cycle. Is a factor in water mass formation and SSS variability can affect the intensity of the thermohaline circulation. Can be utilized to initialize climate forecast models, if salinity profiles are not available. Through Alkalinity improves is linked to the amount of dissolved CO 2 in the oceans. Will be used to validate and calibrate fields obtained from the SMOS and Aquarius satellite missions. Can be used to assess numerical model performances
NOAA/AOML Thermosalingraphs SBE 21: Oleander, Skogafoss, NOAA fleet. SBE 45 (micro TSG): RCCL Explorer of the Seas, Albert Rickmers, SAS Explorer, NOAA fleet. 2 cargo ships Atlantic Ocean. 1 cruise ship western North Atlantic, Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico. 1 cargo ship Pacific Ocean. 1 cruise ship around the world twice a year. 15 NOAA shipsglobal.
NOAA/AOML TSG and SEAS installation set-up
AOML-TSG transects Skogafoss Oleander C. Waikato
Current NOAA/AOML-TSG transects currently maintained TSG transects Upcoming TSG installations: Semester At Sea M/V Explorer (around the world twice a year) Albert Rickmers (Pacific Ocean)
AOML/SEAS TSG data flow
platform identification impossible date impossible location position on land test(ETOPO5*) impossible speed(4-35 knots) global ranges regional ranges spike test gradient test constant value check climatology and NCEP weekly analysis buddy check (comparison against ARGO, CTD, …) water sample check AOML TSG QC steps GOSUD recommended QC steps AOML additional QC steps RT DT sec sampling 5 min QC data
NOAA/AOML-TSG QC TSG Water samples Profiling floats Climatology
NOAA/AOML-TSG QC TSG Water samples Profiling floats Climatology Identification of equipment bias in TSG using climatology and in-situ observations
TSG 5 min QC data
TSG data 5 min DT QC performance Bad flags Total data
Skogafoss TSG transects transects SSS space-time diagram
Oleander TSG transects transects SSS space-time diagram Gulf Stream front
TSG temperatures are: C higher than the profiling float temperature, C higher than the XBT temperature and 0.09 C higher than the water sample. TSG Salinity values are in good agreement with concurrent observations: 0.05 lower than the float salinity and 0.07 lower than the water sample. Summary of TSG data QC statistical analysis (Skogafoss and Oleander) Issue: need of external temperature sensor
RCCLs Explorer of the Seas TSG transects 2006 transects SSS time series Altimetry-derived Yucatan Straits geostrophic current transport
NOAA/AOML TSG data distribution into GTS Location of TSG data taken from GTS, March-April 2007
2007 TRACKOB GTS salinity data NOAA AOML: 21,000 reports to GTS Others:18 reports to GTS
2007 TRACKOB GTS salinity data current Cargo ships: Oleander and Skogafoss Semester At Seas M/V Explorer Cargo ship Albert Rickmers
NOAA Fleet ShipUseMain area of operation Real-time transmission capability Real-time TSG data transmission Ronald BrownOWorldwidecurrentDecember 2006 Oscar DysonFGulf of Mexico, Pacific and Atlantic oceans currentDecember 2006 Miller FreemanFPacific OceancurrentDecember 2006 KaimimoanaO - ATropical Pacific OceanJanuary 2007 HiialakaiO -FPacific OceanJanuary 2007 Oscar E. SetteFTropical PacificJanuary 2007 Nancy FosterE-FAtlantic OceanJanuary 2007TSG being installed Gordon GunterFGulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean January 2007 FairweatherNCGulf of AlaskaMid 2007 Mc. Arthur IIE-FPacific OceanMid 2007 Albatros IVFNorth Atlantic OceanPlanned* Delaware IIFNorth Atlantic OceanPlanned* Oregon IIFGulf of Mexico, AtlanticPlanned* David JordanFOff CA and OR coastPlanned* Ships with pCO 2 systems
Continue transmission of data of RCCLs Explorer into the GTS. Initiate transmission of QCed (RT) data of cargo ships into the GTS. Initiate transmission of QCed (RT) data of NOAA fleet into the GTS. Test external temperature sensor in one cargo ship. Continue support of pCO2 systems. Collaborate with future satellite salinity missions. Initiate a sustained and strong collaboration with data centers, submission of QCed data to NODC and Coriolis. Have a strong participation within GOSUD. New TSG installations: M/V Explorer of Semester At Sea Albert Rickmers. Initiate tests with BUFR and Metadata. Science support. NOAA/AOML TSG plans Semester At Seas M/V Explorer
NOAA/AOML TSG Operations Gustavo Jorge Goni NOAA/AOML Miami, Florida