©©©© 中国人民共和国 信息戰 LTCOL (RET) William Hagestad II MSc Security Technologies MSc Management of Technology 中華人民共和 國 網絡代碼衝 突... What Country Poses The Most Existential Cyber Threat to the World?©© “21 st Century Chinese Cyber Warfare” “ 二十一世紀中國網絡戰 ” ISBN: 取締中華人民共和國© ISBN: 取締中華人民共和國© ISBN: 取締中華人民共和國© Is China Really the Enemy?©© “Thanks to the increased attack traffic seen from Indonesia, ports 80 and 443 were the most commonly targeted ports, accounting for 41 percent of observed attacks combined.” Indonesia Overtakes China…© Cyber Adversary Taxonomy Cyber ThreatMotiveTargets of OpportunityMethodologiesCapabilities Nation States ~ Peace Time Economic, Military, National Secrets, Political Commercial Enterprises, Intelligence, National Defense, Governments, National Infrastructure Military & Intel specific cyber doctrine, hacktivists Asymmetric use of the cyber domain short of kinetic Nation States ~ War Time Economic, Military, Political Commercial Enterprises, Intelligence, National Defense, Governments, National Infrastructure Military & Intel specific cyber doctrine, hacktivists Asymmetric use of the cyber domain including kinetic Cyber Terrorists & Insurgents Political Infrastructure, Extortion and Political Processes Combination of advanced persistent threats (APT) Developing – will be a concern in 2012 Cyber Criminals – Grey & Black Markets Financial Intellectual Property Theft, Fraud, Theft, Scams, Hijacked Network & Computer Resources, Cyber Crime for Hire Exploits, Malware Botnets, Worms & Trojans Cell-based structure as an APT Criminal Organizations – RBS Financial Use of above with distinct planning Highly professional, dangerous Rogue Organizations – Anonymous, LulzSec Financial Military, National Secrets, Political Intellectual Property Theft, Direct & Indirect pressure on OGA Resources Organic hacking capabilities unsurpassed Organized yet de- centralized© LabelTimeframePurposeTarget Nation State Responsible Nation State Affected Stuxnet Cyber / Physical Destruction Iranian Nuclear Natanz US & Israel Islamic Republic of Iran Duqu 2007 – 2011 Cyber Counter Intelligence Industrial Control Systems US & Israel …Taiwan – Republic of China Multiple… Flame Cyber reconnaissance/ cyber data exfiltration… Cyber espionage Middle Eastern computer systems US & Israel Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Sudan, Occupied Territories of Israel Gauss Cyber surveillance / Banking Trojan Middle Eastern Banks Unknown Lebanon, CitiBank & PayPal Batch Wiper 2012 Cyber Destruction Iranian Oil Infrastructure US & Israel Islamic Republic of Iran Weaponized Malware Cyber Weapons Impacting Civilian Infrastructure© mystery-warhead/ Cyber Weapons Geo-Infections© 謝謝您 謝謝您的時間今天 有沒有問題?© 跟隨紅龍 Red-DragonRising #RedDragon