Three basic areas Sleeping area Living area Service area
Bedrooms Usually about one-third of the house is dedicated to the sleeping which includes bedrooms, bath, dressing rooms, and nurseries Normally quiet part of the house away from traffic and other noise
Bedrooms So important that houses are categorized by number of bedrooms Ideally each person would have their own bedroom In the case of a couple with no children, at least two bedrooms are desirable
Bedrooms A three-bedroom home has the greatest sales potential Provides enough space for a family of four Best if include an extra bedroom in the plan which can be used for other purposes until needed Cheaper to add extra room at onset rather add on later
Bedrooms Grouping bedrooms together in a wing or level of the house for privacy Split bedroom plan separates the master bedroom from the remaining bedrooms to provide even greater privacy Each bedroom should have its own access to the hallway
Bedrooms Each bedroom should be relatively close to a bathroom Some bedrooms may have their own private bath A bedroom used by older or handicapped person is more convenient with own bath
Bedroom Sizes FHA recommends 100 square feet as min. size Average is between 125 and 175 square feet Large bedroom has 175 square feet or more Size depends on furniture in the room
Bedroom Closets FHA recommends a min of four linear feet of closet rod space for a man and six feet for a woman Depth of a closet is 30 inches Closets should be located along interior walls Provides noise insulation Does not reduce exterior wall space
Bedroom To be accessible for the handicapped, rods should be 40 to 48 inches from the ground Three feet should be provided on at least one side of the bed to transfer Four feet should be provided for stationary objects Space of five feet square required to turn around a wheel chair in front of a closet
Bedrooms A phone and controls for the lights should be placed near the bed