Wednesday, October 07, 20151Event Name and Venue Key findings and Themes from the Age-NC Project Dr Linda P Alker June 2012
Wednesday, October 07, 2015Event Name and Venue2 European Perspective The ageing of the workforce has been identified as a key policy challenge facing European economies (Naegele and Walker, 2006, Brennan et al., 2007). Most EU countries will experience significant demographic change over the next decades as population’s age. The increasing proportion of older workers (50-64) and the decline in the proportion of cohorts of younger workers in the labour force is driving the median age of European labour forces in an upwards direction (Billet et al, 2011).
North West Context The North West has the third lowest activity rate. Older workers in the Northwest have slight lower employment rates than in the UK as a whole. This is in part due to the structural changes which affected the region during the recessions of 1980s and 1990s (DWP, 2007). Research into older workers in the North West found that, not only are older workers less likely to be employed than workers under 50, they are also likely to work less hours (DWP, 2007). Wednesday, October 07, 2015Event Name and Venue3
Wednesday, October 07, 2015Event Name and Venue4
Objectives of Age -NC Evaluation To assess the relevance and appropriateness of the design of the project(s); To establish the effectiveness of project activities; To assess the outputs and outcomes generated; Identify the innovative elements of the project and evidence of mainstreaming; and Key lessons learned in developing and delivering the project(s). Wednesday, October 07, 2015Event Name and Venue5
Age-NC Project Individuals themselves, with a focus on attitudes, beliefs and behaviours’ towards work and the possibility of work beyond 50; Employers, emphasising ways to address attitudes towards the potential and value of the over 50s; The many agencies sitting between employers and individuals, from economic and social stakeholders such as local and health authorities, employment agencies Wednesday, October 07, 2015Event Name and Venue6
Age-NC core target outcomes Individual projects such as Lavender Hill, union learn, VEDAS and MMU seeking to generate – –Employed individuals extend or maintain their working lives; –Improved confidence, knowledge and skills; –Increased engagement in learning and self-development; –Improved employability and –Increased participation in voluntary, paid and self- employment. Wednesday, October 07, 2015Event Name and Venue7
Age-NC core target outcomes Individual projects such as Lavender Hill, union learn, VEDAS and MMU seeking to generate – –Employed individuals extend or maintain their working lives; –Improved confidence, knowledge and skills; –Increased engagement in learning and self-development; –Improved employability and –Increased participation in voluntary, paid and self- employment. Wednesday, October 07, 2015Event Name and Venue8
Age- NC and Innovation Identifying employer needs across the region and gaps in provision to support for employment ; Engagement in workplace learning of the 50+ cohort; ‘’Age Access Auditing’’ and ‘’Fair Age Pledge’’; Single referral pathway for the over 50s; Use of NLP and Personality Profiling. Wednesday, October 07, 2015Event Name and Venue9
Age-NC – Outcomes Learning and skill development for low skilled 50+ workers; Opportunity to consolidate skills and experience via certified HE programme for 50+ unemployed managers and professionals; Information and support in community for 50+ unemployed; Coaching and mentoring for 50+ unemployed. Wednesday, October 07, 2015Event Name and Venue10
Age-NC – Outcomes AGE-NC has helped 50+ individuals rebuild their confidence but importantly the opportunity to engage with a service that was prepared to ‘listen to their needs’ “every other service lets you down, and here we feel we are all in the same boat”. “The coordinator believed in me and gave me confidence and she was like a guardian angel” Wednesday, October 07, 2015Event Name and Venue11
Age-NC - Outcomes David was not sure he was going to get anything from Age-NC, he had found the offer of support welcome but he wanted to.. –“I wanted to be able to network with like-minded people and I was not sure the project would be able to provide me with that type of opportunity!’’ Two months later David was able to fulfill part of his ambition and was able to go on to the Professional Certificate in Leadership at MMU “thanks to Age-NC” Wednesday, October 07, 2015Event Name and Venue12
Age-NC - Outcomes Sue 55+ had attended the Age-NC Project after retiring with ill health from a successful career in Sales Management. ‘’They had empathy, and encouraged me to take on a floristry course, which was my way back into the community – I enjoyed gardening and now I am bringing in funding for a charity, I love the work and without the support of Age-NC. I would not have achieved this” Wednesday, October 07, 2015Event Name and Venue13
Key Lessons Learned! Improving the employability and well being of the majority of 50+ individuals who engaged with the Age-NC project through: –The provision of practical and emotional support: –Enabling employed people to extend or maintain their working lives: –Improved confidence, knowledge and understanding; –Improved employability and increased participation in work/self employment/engagement in job search and encouraging learning and skills through formal and informal learning ; –Enabling individuals to consolidate their experience and thus gain formal qualifications; Wednesday, October 07, 2015Event Name and Venue14
Key Lessons Learned! Age-NC – Policy Briefing/National Learning –Awareness raising with employers; –“Skills-Audit” and “Fair Age Pledge”; –Skills needs and economic contributions of 50+ workers are kept in minds of policy makers; –Learning at Work Days – emphasis on demographic change and skills policy that affect 50+ workers; –Intergenerational work with older adults in community and other settings. Wednesday, October 07, 2015Event Name and Venue15
References Billett, S. Dymock, D. Johnson, G. and Martin, G. (2011) 'Overcoming the paradox of employers' views about older workers.' The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 22, no. 06, pp Brennan, C. Carmichael, F. Ingham, B. Prashar, A. Dobson, J. Sharifi, S. and Porcellato, L. (2007) Ageism and Employment: A Survey of the Literature in the Context of Current Research Agendas. Salford: University of Salford. European Social Fund Discussion Paper. DWP (2010) Older Workers Statistical Information Booklet. London: DWP (2007) Older Workers Statistical Information Booklet London. Naegele, G. and Walker, A. (2009) A guide to good practice in age management. Dublin: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions. Wednesday, October 07, 2015Event Name and Venue16