Bell Ringer 11/12/14 Get out your vocabulary notebooks and complete the following tasks in your notebook. Use the word “Disembodied” in a sentence. Use.


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Presentation transcript:

Bell Ringer 11/12/14 Get out your vocabulary notebooks and complete the following tasks in your notebook. Use the word “Disembodied” in a sentence. Use the word “Conviction” in a sentence. Use the word “Transcend” in a sentence.

VLT: Volusia Literacy Task When is it? Monday and Tuesday of next week! You get two full class periods to complete the essay. Is it a summative or a formative? It’s a 100 point summative. How will my essay be graded? We will go over the rubric tomorrow.

Plan & Write an Essay Using a Text Set to Plan and Write an Outline for an Informational Essay.

Essay Prompt Write an essay that explains the effects of technology on relationships. Remember to use textual evidence to support your claim. For the VLT you will be given a similar situation. You will be asked to support a thesis with evidence from two texts. It’s important to pay attention to this process so that you may apply it for your VLT next week!

Plan & Write an Essay Planning our thesis based on our text set…

Thesis What is a thesis? Main Idea Introduce what your paper is going to be about. Your thesis should answer the essay prompt Example: “Technology effects relationships...” Your thesis depends on how you decide to format your paper. How are you going to group the information you found in the article? What categories could you put the information in?

How people use Facebook to show their emotions People are using Facebook to express all aspects of their daily life.

How people use Facebook to show their emotions Brainstorm two more things you could describe from the articles.

How people use Facebook to show their emotions People are using Facebook to express all aspects of their daily life. Families before Technology Families after Technology

How people use Facebook to show their emotions People are using Facebook to express all aspects of their daily life. Families before Technology Families after Technology Reality TV Aggressive behavior in their lives Reality TV can cause teenagers to display aggressive behavior in their lives.

How people use Facebook to show their emotions People are using Facebook to express all aspects of their daily life. Families before Technology Families after Technology Reality TV Aggressive behavior in their lives Reality TV can cause teenagers to display aggressive behavior in their lives. Brainstorm two more things you could describe from the articles.

How people use Facebook to show their emotions People are using Facebook to express all aspects of their daily life. Families before Technology Families after Technology Circle the thesis you want to write your outline on. Keep in mind, your whole essay outline will be based on your thesis. So make sure you can support it!

Volusia Literacy Task #1 Write an Informational Essay

Class Brainstorming … Categories for our evidence: Positive effects & Negative effects Effects on family, friends, & the community THERE ARE DIFFERENT POSSIBLE WAYS TO GROUP YOUR EVIDENCE! For example:

How can I group my evidence into categories? When you are negative online it spreads those negative feelings to your friends Your positive posts are more powerful for your relationships Your virtual emotions impact your real life friendships Positiv e Negativ e Your turn Choose the categories you want to use to organize your evidence. Use 1 color for each group & highlight your notes into groups.

We grouped our evidence into categories Positive effects & Negative effects Effects on family, friends, & the community Effects of technology on relationships

These groupings BECOME the body paragraphs of our essay Positive effects & Negative effects Effects on family, friends, & the community Effects of technology on relationships 2 body paragraphs 3 body paragraphs 1 body paragraphs

Plan & Write an Essay I.Introduction a.Hook: b.Bridge c.Thesis: II.Body a.Category 1: a.Evidence/explain b.Category 2: a.Evidence/explain c.Category 3: a.Evidence/Explain III.Conclusion a.Restate thesis: b.Closing idea: Essay Prompt: Write an essay that explains the effects of technology on relationships. Required Optional

Plan & Write an Essay I.Introduction a.Hook: Get readers attention b.Thesis: Introduce your main idea II.Body a.Organize paragraphs based on the information you have collected b.Each paragraph needs a topic sentence c.Follow Answer, Cite, Explain format for body paragraphs III.Conclusion a.Restate Thesis (main idea) b.End with closing thought on topic If this is our prompt: Essay Prompt: Write an essay explains the effects of technology on relationships. What would our thesis statement sound like?

Plan & Write an Essay I.Introduction a.Hook: Get readers attention b.Thesis: Introduce your main idea II.Body a.Organize paragraphs based on the information you have collected b.Each paragraph needs a topic sentence c.Follow Answer, Cite, Explain format for body paragraphs III.Conclusion a.Restate Thesis (main idea) b.End with closing thought on topic

Plan & Write an Essay I.Introduction a.Hook: Get readers attention b.Thesis: Introduce your main idea II.Body a.Organize paragraphs based on the information you have collected b.Each paragraph needs a topic sentence c.Follow Cite and Explain format for body paragraphs III.Conclusion a.Restate Thesis (main idea) b.End with closing thought on topic To help you decide how to organize your body: Group evidence collected into categories # of categories = # of paragraphs

Plan & Write an Essay I.Introduction a.Hook: Get readers attention b.Thesis: Introduce your main idea II.Body a.Organize paragraphs based on the information you have collected b.Each paragraph needs a topic sentence c.Follow Cite and Explain format for body paragraphs III.Conclusion a.Restate Thesis (main idea) b.End with closing thought on topic Example categories: Positive ways tech. affects Negative ways tech. affects How many paragraphs in our essay? 4 (Intro, 2 Body, Conclusion)

Plan & Write an Essay I.Introduction a.Hook: Get readers attention b.Thesis: Introduce your main idea II.Body a.Organize paragraphs based on the information you have collected b.Each paragraph needs a topic sentence c.Follow Cite and Explain format for body paragraphs III.Conclusion a.Restate Thesis (main idea) b.End with closing thought on topic Example categories: Family Friends Community How many paragraphs in our essay? 5 (Intro, 3 Body, Conclusion)

Plan & Write an Essay I.Introduction a.Hook: Get readers attention b.Thesis: Introduce your main idea II.Body a.Organize paragraphs based on the information you have collected b.Each paragraph needs a topic sentence c.Follow Cite and Explain format for body paragraphs III.Conclusion a.Restate Thesis (main idea) b.End with closing thought on topic

Plan & Write an Essay I.Introduction a.Hook: Get readers attention b.Thesis: Introduce your main idea II.Body a.Organize paragraphs based on the information you have collected b.Each paragraph needs a topic sentence c.Follow Cite and Explain format for body paragraphs III.Conclusion a.Restate Thesis (main idea) b.End with closing thought on topic Conclusion: Remind your readers of your main point (restate thesis) End with an important idea to take away from your essay