Section 4
The Executive Office Also know as EOP Aids the president Gives him valuable information Closest to the president
Why EOP? Created by Franklin D. Roosevelt Too much work for only the president Reorganization Act of 1939 Includes attorneys, scientists, social scientists ect..
Growth 3 reasons Every president added more agencies Problems are so complex; want experts Several departments have to work together
Age of EOP 3 oldest offices Office of Management and Budget (OMB) National Security Council (NSC) Council of Economic Advisors
OMB Created in 1970 Largest agency Prepares the national budget President decides where to spend money They review all bills agencies prepare Central Clearance Director is Jacob Lew
NSC Created in 1947 Coordinate American military and foreign policy Includes President, Vice President, Secretary of State and Defense National security adviser Directs NSC staff Name of director
Council of Economic Advisers Created in 1946 Help president formulate nation’s economic policy Assesses nation’s economic health Prepares annual report in Economic Report of the President Alan B. Krueger Katharine Abraham Carl Shapiro
Homeland Security National Homeland Security Council Founded in 2001 after 9/11 Created by George Bush Coordinates all agencies that counter terrorism Attorney General, FBI, CIA, FEMA
Other Agencies National Economic Council Long Range economic issues Domestic Policy Council Carry out long range policies in domestic areas Farming and energy
Cont’d Environmental Protection Agency Environmental issues Department of Interior, Agriculture, and Energy all work under Science and Technology Advises president on all technological matters that affect policies
Cont’d The Office of the United States Trade Representative Helps negotiate trades with other nations Ron Kirk is ambassador
White House Office Has not always been there George Washington hired nephew to be secretary Can appoint who they want Clinton had 380 members Top assistants in Office report to president Chief of Staff and Press Secretary Become presidents inner circle
Duties Do whatever President assigns Gather info Enforcers Present views of president to outside world
Post Test 1)EOP stands for A-Executive office of the People B-Executive offices of the President C-Exclusive Only for the President D-Executive Office of the President
2) EOP was created by A-George Washington B-Franklin D. Roosevelt C-Abe Lincoln D-George Bush
3)The Central Clearance Review is part of A-National Security Council B-Council of Economic Advisors C-Office of Management and Budget D-Homeland Security
4)Which is NOT one of the oldest agencies in the Executive Office? A-Homeland Security B-Office of Management and Budget C-National Security Council D-Council of Economic Advisors
5)Homeland Security consists of all of the following except A-FBI B-CIA C-FEMA D-FDA
6)When was Homeland Security founded? A-2001 B-2000 C-1950 D-1900
7)Who hired their nephew to begin the White House offices? A-Abe Lincoln B-George Washington C-Franklin D. Roosevelt D-Benjamin Franklin
8)How many members did Clinton have in his office? A-600 B-400 C-380 D-162
9)The White House Office has always been there? True False
10)All members of White House Office are considered the inner circle of the President? True False