WANT TO SEE WHAT WE ARE ALL ABOUT? Check out our video at on the “Programs” page. Program Description: Challenge Island is a whimsical, wildly popular enrichment program that promotes creative and critical thinking skills, STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math), language arts, social studies, communicative and social skills in children. Loosely based on a well-known reality TV show, CI presents tribes of kids with a vast array of exciting challenges set on action-packed thematic “islands”. This Session’s Island: Our Spring 2015 CI adventure will take place on the ALL NEW Hollywood Island! Our STEMtastic tribes will visit star-studded destinations including Wizard of Oz Twist (where they will construct tornado safe houses), ET Heights (where they'll set bikes into motion high above the ground) and Indiana Jones Boulder Roll. They'll even learn movie history and see classic movie scenes as related to each challenge. This session of CI promises to be a Blockbuster! Registration: There are a limited number of spaces for this program to be assigned on a first come, first served basis. Full refunds will be given for overflow not accepted into the class. Registration may be completed by mailing in the form below - along with a check made out to “KIDSPLORATIONS LLC” c/o Sharon Estroff 4590 Lasalle Court Marietta, GA You may also register online using a credit card at ________________________________________________www.challenge-island.com Challenge Island Registration: East Side Elementary Best Club Name____________________________ M/F Grade_____ Teacher________________ Parent Name(s)________________________ Phone 1____________ Phone 2___________ (please print clearly) ______________________Home Address___________________ Allergies/Special Considerations______________________________________________ Tribal Friend Request (not required) ______________________ ASP or Pick Up (Circle one) Parent Signature_________________________________________________ * By signing you agree to allow Kidsplorations LLC to take photographs in connection with this class. Copyright will be owned by Kidsplorations LLC and may be used for keepsakes, group slideshows, and/or marketing purposes. Our goal on Challenge Island is to understand each student and embrace his or her unique set of gifts. Please share something special about your child on the back of this page. ______________________________________________________________________ Challenge East Side Elementary Grades 1-5 Mondays 2:30-3:30 1/28/14- 5/6/ (14 Weeks) $ Register online at or mail in this form and check to save your spot! We are rolling out the red carpet for Challenge Island’s ALL NEW Hollywood island! Comin g Januar y 2015 Sign up soon! It’s going to be a BLOCKBUSTER HIT!