CS 006 Effective Use of WWW Fall 2007 WeeSan Lee
2 Schedule Lectures Tue & Thur (TR) Engr2 143 9:40-11am* Office hours TR Engr2 110 or by appt Labs Wed Engr2 127 Sessions 8:10-11am 11:10-2pm 6:10-9pm* Office hours TBA
3 Course Management Moodle CS6
4 Policy NO CHEATING Do your own work Plagiarism is an act of presenting someone else’s ideas as your own Cheating will result an ‘F’ in the class Cite and reference resources Readers can find the information you used
5 Policy (cont) Attendance to the class and lab is mandatory Absent with a doctor note will be excused Turn off your cell phone or beeper
6 Course Overview A detailed, non-technical introduction to the Internet, covering Web tools, e-communities, e-commerce, power searching, and verification of information, privacy, and other legal and societal issues.
7 Topics Bits & Bytes Basic Computer Terminology Basic Computer Network Internet Services Search & SPAM E-commerce
8 Topics (cont) Computer Security News groups, mailing lists, blogging Realtime communication File sharing Copyright issues The impact of the Internet
9 Textbook Internet Effectively: A Beginner's Guide to the World Wide Web By Tyrone Adams and Sharon Scollard ISBN: Reference (optional) Web 101 (3rd Edition) By Wendy G. Lehnert and Richard L. Kopec ISBN:
10 Grading Homework10% Labs20% Quiz 110% Quiz 210% Final20% Final Project30%
11 Grading - Homework (10%) Given at the end of each Thur’s lecture Except for the week of Thanksgiving and last week Due on the following 11:55pm Except for the 1 st homework which dues on 11:55pm For example Read an article and post your opinion on the article Screen-dump submission
12 Grading - Labs (20%) Web page construction Using text editor, eg. Notepad HTML Attendance is mandantory Ask your TA to check you off before leaving
13 Grading - Quiz & Final (10%+10%+20%) Multiple choices Short answers
14 Grading - Final Project (30%) “Reinventing the Internet” vs. webmail Mailing list vs. googlegroups/yahoogroups IRC/Talk vs. IM BBS vs. Blog Netmeeting vs. Skype Search engines: altavista vs. google Netscape vs. IE Social Networks: Myspace vs. Facebook …
15 Grading - Final Project (cont) Team project 4-5 members (~12 teams in total) Research a topic Write a report Present your report Audiences are the VC with millions of $$$ Get to vote if each team gets funded or rejected Extra credits for the best team
16 Grading - Final Project (cont) Grading Journal Log5% Proposal5% Presentation5% Peer Review5% Final Report10%
17 Bottom Line Enjoy geek-only parties Power Internet users Effective use of the Internet Learn something new Q&A
18 Homework Read RFC2555 ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc2555.txt ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/rfc2555.txt List all the names of the people appeared in the RFC Submit the list via Moodle by next Wed (Oct 23:55pm