Election Resources Introduction to IED The election division is a bi-partisan agency that: Certifies candidates and election results for candidates that file with the state Administers statewide voter registration system (SVRS) with the Secretary of State and HAVA Assists the Indiana Election Commission with duties (forms, voting system approval etc.) IED advises election officials, county chairmen, candidates, and citizens on election law
IED Publications & Forms Publications –Indiana Election Code (2010 Edition + supplement) –Election Administrator’s Manual –Election Calendar –Candidate Guide –Voter Registration Guidebook –Campaign Finance Guide
IED Publications & Forms Publications –Town Election Guidebook –Election Division website: –Election Day Handbook* –Military and Overseas Voters Guide* * with assistance from Help America Vote Act office of Secretary of State (HAVA).
IED Publications & Forms Election Forms –Candidate Declarations, including office and ballot vacancy forms (CAN) –County Election Board Forms (CEB) –Voter Registration Forms (VRG) –Absentee Forms (ABS) –Precinct Forms (PRE) –Provisional Ballot Forms (PRO) –Indiana Election Commission Forms (IEC)
Election Forms How to spot a “State Form” versus a printer’s form: The state seal and a form number. Also, check the “Forms List” State law requires that most recent version of state form be used (exc: grandfathering) Obsolete state forms must be rejected when presented for “filing”, a defined term in state law (IC )
Indiana Election Code Contains actual text of election laws (Indiana Code title 3) Other related statutes from throughout Indiana Code. Indiana Code citation system. Legislative Summaries for 2 most recent years. Next edition to be published in Dec 2011
IED Publications & Forms Indiana Election Administrator’s Manual √ “Key Players” information: Federal and state offices that have special election law enforcement duties √ County Election Board hearing info √ Candidates, “sore losers”, write-ins, vacancy fillers; resignation and death notices. √ Ballot information: types, ballot order, and errors
IED Publications & Forms Indiana Election Administrator’s Manual √ Absentee Ballot Printing and Procedures: Applications, Absentee Voter’s Bill of Rights; Electioneering; Processing Returned Ballots √ Military and Overseas Absentee Voters √ Polling places: poll worker disqualification; college and high school students; watchers and challengers. √ Photo ID; provisional ballots, and ballot counting rules
IED Publications & Forms Indiana Election Administrator’s Manual √ After the Election: Reporting Results to the Election Division √ Tie votes and recounts √ CEB forms: CEB-6 Oath of office for appointed CEB members. √ CEB-9: Precinct level election results; rejected absentee ballots
IED Publications & Forms Indiana Election Calendar (Election Administrator’s Edition) √ A 14 month calendar (December 2010 through February 2012) √ “Dates subject to change”: 2010 Calendar update issued; federal/state law changes √ Transfer of dates due to holidays or office closings. √ Cross references to forms and IC #s.
IED Publications & Forms Indiana Candidate Guide √ For 2011, customized for municipal elections. √ “Cannot provide legal advice to candidate.” √ Candidate Challenge procedures (CAN-1) √ Style of candidate name on ballot. √ City offices, “large town” offices; “small town offices” – some changes coming from census √ Candidate qualifications: SOS vote and petitions. √ Most requested candidate forms in back.
IED Publications & Forms Indiana Voter Registration Guidebook √ Introduction to “Standard Operating Procedures” for the statewide voter registration system (SVRS) – cross referenced in Guidebook. √ When and how to register: extended deadlines for military and overseas voters √ Processing applications; “additional documentation” requirements √ Residence determination
IED Publications & Forms Indiana Voter Registration Guidebook √ “Pending” voter registration applications. √ Voter List Maintenance – when and how are the registration lists updated √ “Fail safe” procedures to protect voters: Certificates of Error; VRG 4/12 transfers. √ Public records requests: CEB policies; VRG- 24 form for electronic reports. √ Forms: “additional doc” notice; jury questionnaire; VRG 4/12 chart; federal registration form; FPCA
IED Publications & Forms Indiana Campaign Finance Manual √ When and where to file √ Federal PACs; candidate committees; political parties; state and local PACs √ Requirements for reports and statements. √ Corporate/labor contributions and other restrictions. √ Qualifications to serve as treasurer.
IED Publications & Forms Indiana Campaign Finance Manual √ Enforcement and Penalties: √ Late (delinquent) reports √ Defective reports √ Excess contributions √ Wrongful use of campaign funds √ “Disclaimer” violations √ Campaign finance forms; fax filing policy.
IED Publications & Forms Indiana Election Day Handbook √ Basic procedures for all poll workers, to be supplemented by county election board. √ Who’s Who in the Polling Place. √ Photo ID procedures √ Voting Process and “Fail Safe” Procedures √ Voter Challenges and Provisional Ballots √ Polling Place Accessibility √ Absentee Ballot Processing at Polls
IED Publications & Forms Military and Overseas Voters’ Guide √ Awarded “Best Practice” by US Election Assistance Commission. √ Registration and absentee ballot information for both military and civilian overseas voters. √ M.O.V.E requirements for absentee ballot printing and transmittal (NEW for 2010) √ How to send and return absentee applications and ballots by , fax, or regular mail. √ Contact info for overseas faxes, county election boards.
IED Publications & Forms 2011 Town Election Guidebook √ Published only for municipal election years √ Focus on “small town” elections. √ Methods for candidates to get on ballots. √ Town political party conventions. √ Town election boards √ Accessibility requirements for voters and polling place √ Model Agreement for Election Services by County √ Model Rules for Town Conventions √ Town Convention and Candidate forms
Indiana Election Division web site: –Chock-full of information: Searchable campaign finance reports County election returns from 2002 forward Specialized pages for online poll worker training, online voter registration Military and Overseas voters Absentee voting Indiana Election Commission meetings