Free access for everyone to Danish National Union Catalogue Librarian International session B305 Leif Andresen Danish National Library Authority
Free access for everyone to Danish NUCSlide 2 The speaker Leif Andresen Danish National Library Authority Library Advisory Officer Fields of responsibilities: Danish National Union Catalogue Library Automation, e.g. Z39.50 Standardisation
Danish National Library AuthorityFree access for everyone to Danish NUCSlide 3 Background information A common National Union Catalogue called DanBib including holdings of the public and research libraries in Denmark Each library has it own unique list of all other libraries sorted according to most- relevant-to-send-requests-to as an integrated part of DanBib
Danish National Library AuthorityFree access for everyone to Danish NUCSlide 4 Background information DanBib is run by Danish Bibliographic Centre based on an agreement with the Danish State and the Danish municipalities DanBib includes - besides the library holdings - the Danish National Bibliography and MARC-records from British Library and Library of Congress
Danish National Library AuthorityFree access for everyone to Danish NUCSlide 5 As part of a new library act in 2000: Free access for everyone to the Danish National Union Catalogue This new service is named: and the English user interface: was opened 31 October 2000
Danish National Library AuthorityFree access for everyone to Danish NUCSlide 6 Objectives of Public access via web-interface Give the user the option to request Open quickly No new requirement to local libraries
Danish National Library AuthorityFree access for everyone to Danish NUCSlide 7 User perspectives User interface was developed starting from scratch A test panel gave input: ”subject” is high-rated A simple user interface
Danish National Library AuthorityFree access for everyone to Danish NUCSlide 8
Danish National Library AuthorityFree access for everyone to Danish NUCSlide 9 Searching Simple search Advanced search Subject, Author, Title, ISBN, free text and year Menu with type and language SCAN Author, Title, Subject CCL-screen
Danish National Library AuthorityFree access for everyone to Danish NUCSlide 10 Requesting The request process have 5 steps after selecting the bibliographic item: 1) Search for “my library” 2) Select “my library” 3) Identification of borrower 4) Approve request 5) Receipt
Danish National Library AuthorityFree access for everyone to Danish NUCSlide 11 Requesting Notice: The borrower selects the pick-up library The borrower doesn't need to know which library the books belong to The Inter Library Loan process is for the libraries - not for the borrower The libraries have to procure the book in the cheapest manner
Danish National Library AuthorityFree access for everyone to Danish NUCSlide 12 Requesting - seen from the library The requests are divided into two parts: material located at user’s library material to be requested from other libraries The requests are received: by in a database
Danish National Library AuthorityFree access for everyone to Danish NUCSlide 13 A chary start Opened 31 October 2000 A press release No campaign requests in February 2001 users during the afternoon
Danish National Library AuthorityFree access for everyone to Danish NUCSlide 14 Campaign this week A postcard for every household in Denmark A pamphlet to be distributed from the libraries - ½ million copies Advertising banners on popular portals Articles in journals and newspapers
Danish National Library AuthorityFree access for everyone to Danish NUCSlide 15 Developments Last Saturday: Adding links to Internet services developed by the libraries Better match of different records of same edition of same title Future Adding holdings information Titles you can buy: link to booksellers
Danish National Library AuthorityFree access for everyone to Danish NUCSlide 16 Consequences of More loans More requests for material located in research libraries Requests for new books not purchased yet New users - some nerds have discovered the libraries
Danish National Library AuthorityFree access for everyone to Danish NUCSlide 17 Consequences of More effective use of the libraries More library services to more people Better return of the taxpayers money spend on the libraries