District Service Opportunities Arrangements Responsible for site selection and for facility coordination for district meetings, including Negotiation of contract Scheduling of adequate meeting room space Coordinator between hotel and district requirements Coordinate technology needs with Leadership Development Team Boo Boo Award –Responsible for promoting Boo Boo Award! Seek nominations for a fun award by distributing how-to procedures and leading committee to select the Boo Boo of the year! Boo Boo Award nominations due July 31; presentation of Boo Boo Award at District Convention in August! CPA Awards –Responsible for promoting, collecting, and judging the CPA booklets! An extra benefit? The club has a record of how a special project was done! Chaplain –Successful Optimist meetings and meals full begin with a moment of reflection. Good facilities at a reasonable price for great meetings!
District Service Opportunities Club Services* –Responsible for identifying clubs who need assistance, or who may need assistance in the future, through contacts with clubs, lt. governors, and district officers and for coordinating required assistance. –The club services chair is responsible for promoting strong club administration, coordinating district assistance programs designed to sustain or improve general club operations, and to assure effective long-term orientation and follow-up for new clubs.
District Service Opportunities Distinguished Optimist & Humanitarian** Responsible for promoting District Distinguished Optimist and District Humanitarian awards! Seeks nominations for these awards by distributing how-to procedures, verifying eligibility of nominations, and leading executive committee in the selection of these two peer recognition awards! Nominations for both awards are due July 31; presentation of awards will be done at District Convention in August! District Bulletin Editor Responsible for collecting and disseminating news throughout the district through the district bulletin by seeking articles and news items. Bulletins distributed to full membership on October 1 and July 1. Bulletins distributed to district team and club presidents in December, February, April, and beginning of September. District Candidate Qualifications** Responsible for seeking nominations for district governor and lt. governors, verifying credentials, and reporting slate at district meetings.
District Service Opportunities District Convention* Committee chair and committee responsible for identifying appropriate facility, recommending and seeking approval of convention budget, planning activities and special events, assisting in on-site registration, etc. Finance* The finance chair heads the district finance committee, a rotating committee required by International Bylaws. The committee should collaborate with the governor and secretary-treasurer in preparing the annual budget and should ensure that it is adhered to by exercising supervisory care over all district financial transactions. International Host Responsible for acting as host to OI officers or OI representative who visit the District. FACILITY BUDGET ACTIVITIES EVENTS ON-SITE REGISTRATION HOSPITALITY ROOM
District Service Opportunities Leadership Development* The leadership development committee is responsible for training club and district leaders in the areas of growth, administration, motivation, and activities. Membership and Attendance The membership chair is responsible for the promotion of all programs related to attendance and membership. One of the chair’s major tasks is to encourage clubs to develop “tenured members’ by promoting a vigorous membership conservation program. Membership programs should be promoted at district and multi-zone meetings. New Club Building The district new club building chair is responsible for developing and promoting a new club building plan for the district in conjunction with the governor. Both share a responsibility - the governor as chief executive officer and the chair as action facilitator. Effective new club building will occur when these two cooperate to make and carry out a plan of action. Leadership Development – Key to our Success Recruit, Retain - Grow
District Service Opportunities Newsletters Responsible for collecting club newsletters and holding competition for various newsletter awards such as: best newsletter in zone, best newsletter in district, best masthead, etc. OI Ambassador** Responsible for promoting attendance of International Convention. OI Foundation Appointed by the Foundation President, the Foundation Representative volunteers their time to promote and raise funds for the Optimist International Foundation. Responsibilities include coordinating fund raising efforts, making presentations on the Foundation at club, zone and district meetings, and planning and conducting training sessions for club foundation representatives – Reno 2001 – Orlando 2002 – Indianapolis! OI Foundation
District Service Opportunities Personal Growth & Involvement Responsible for promoting the PGI program within the district. May include conducting PGI modules at district meetings and at locations throughout the district convenient to the membership. Policy & Zoning Responsible for reviewing district policies and zoning of the district and making recommendations of changes to the District Executive Committee and District Board. Public Relations Responsible for promoting media coverage of Optimist activities -- both in local publications and in OI magazine. # of Zones?
District Service Opportunities Scrapbooks Responsible for providing information about the format for scrapbooks and then coordinating competition of scrapbooks submitted by clubs within the district. Youth Clubs Responsible for promotion and growth of JOOI programs, including: disseminating information to JOOI members about club activities encouraging new JOOI club sponsorships administering and coordinating JOOI Youth Club seminars at Optimist district meetings hosting a district JOOI Youth Clubs conference at which elections take place educating Youth Club officers and advisors about the awards program encouraging attendance at the annual JOOI convention training district officers to perform their duties Step one… Step two… Step three.. Yet, make it your own! Young Optimists!