NSTX NSTX PAC-25 – Background info (Menard)February 18, NSTX FY Research Milestones (base and incremental ) Expt. Run Weeks: 1)Transport & Turbulence 2)Macroscopic Stability 3)Boundary Physics 4)Wave-Particle Interaction 5)Solenoid-free start-up, ramp-up 6)Advanced Scenarios & Control Joint Research Targets (3 US facilities): FY2010FY2009FY (20)15 (20) Understand physics of RWM stabilization & control vs. rotation Study how j(r) is modified by super-Alfvénic ion-driven modes Perform high-elongation wall- stabilized operation at lower n e Study turbulence regimes responsible for ion and electron energy transport (formerly FY2010) Assess H-mode characteristics as a function of collisionality and lithium conditioning Particle control and hydrogenic fuel retention TBD (…Characterize H-mode pedestal structure…) Improve understanding of the heat transport in the scrape-off layer Relationship between lithiated surface conditions and edge and core plasma conditions Assess predictive capability of mode-induced fast-ion transport Dependence of integrated plasma performance on collisionality (FY2010 incremental accelerates this by 1yr if LLD and/or HHFW achieve FY2010 goals) Characterize HHFW heating, CD, and ramp-up in deuterium H-mode Joint milestone w/ solenoid-free TSG Assess sustained operation above the no-wall limit at reduced collisionality Assess sustainable beta and disruptivity near and above the ideal no-wall limit. Integrate MHD mode modification of j(r) into optimized operation
NSTX NSTX PAC-25 – Background info (Menard)February 18, FY09-11 upgrades support highest priorities and enable key research thrusts: 2.Implement BES to complement existing high-k scattering diagnostic 1.Implement liquid lithium divertor for pumping, and investigate other potential benefits: –Improved confinement –Reduction/elimination of ELMs –Compatibility of LLD with high flux expansion –Longer-term: steady-state high-heat-flux handling Liquid Lithium Divertor (LLD) 3.Upgrade HHFW system for higher P RF + ELM resilience –Determine if HHFW can ramp-up I P in H-mode (BS+RF overdrive) –Determine if HHFW can heat high- N advanced H-mode scenarios –HHFW/ICRF also important for NHTX/CTF/ITER –Measure full wavenumber spectrum of turbulence (also *AE eigenfunction) –Determine modes responsible for anomalous transport of energy & momentum 4.Implement MSE-LIF for pitch angle and |B| w/o heating beam –Greatly expanded research flexibility, reconstruct fast-ion p (from total – thermal)
NSTX NSTX PAC-25 – Background info (Menard)February 18, FY 09 FY 10FY 11 Run Weeks Base / Increment Increment NSTX Upgrade Plan Strong Collaboration Components CHI Boundary LLD (SNL) Dual Li Shaker Heating & CD Energetic Particles HHFW Antenna Upgrade HHFW ELM Resilience (ORNL) Edge Sample Probe (Purdue) Divertor Bolometer control (NBI) MSE/LIF (Nova Photonics) BES (U Wisconsin) Fast IR Camera (ORNL) Profile / T&T MHD High-k scattering Remote control (UCD) Absorber Control Coils (U. Wasington) FIDA (UCI) Tang. FIDA (UCI) Extra MPTS Channels Divertor Thomson (LLNL) Divertor Spectrometer (LLNL) OH Spare Preparation (ASIPP) 350 kW ECH/EBW (ORNL) Main Upgrades' Cost and Schedule will be reviewed by Engineering Management
NSTX NSTX PAC-25 – Background info (Menard)February 18, Upgraded Antenna Main Features HHFW Double-Feed Antenna Upgrade To Double Injected Power and Couple to H-mode with ELMs Present Feed New Feed Present Ground New Ground Antenna Straps New antenna straps J. Hosea, R. Ellis Symmetric feed Ground at antenna mid-plane Maximum radiation at mid-plane Voltage at feed-thru reduced by ~ 1.4 Power capability should be up by ~ 2 Mid-plane "hard" ground implemented due to concern for a ceramic insulator based support against disruptive loads. External loops will be installed as soon as possible, early in the FY 09 run at high priority "ELM Resilience" system will be implemented in FY 10 in collaboration with ORNL. ELM detection- shut-down approach and/or hybrid couplers Antenna Installation is completed
NSTX NSTX PAC-25 – Background info (Menard)February 18, 2009 LLD-1 80° SEGMENT GRAPHITE DIAGNOSTIC TILES * SNL has 3 plates ready for brazing SNL Status - 3 plates machined. Brazing to be done 1/20/09. Will ship first 2 of 6 plates for Moly coating 1/30/09. Arrival at PPPL 2/15-16/09. - Remaining 4 plates will ship for Moly coating 2/16/09. Arrival at PPPL 3/01-07/09. (only 4 plates to be installed). - Control Rack design being completed. Parts being purchased. Software starting. Control Rack delivery 3/30/09. PPPL Status - Aluminum prototype made by step-bending accurate to 0.007”. Will proceed to complete Moly coated Cu plate. - Active engineering of interfaces and diagnostic sensors in progress. - Li testing off-line with prototype LLD surfaces in progress. Liquid Lithium Divertor (LLD) for FY 10 Manufacturing of LLD plates more challenging than originally anticipated To be installed in August 2009
NSTX NSTX PAC-25 – Background info (Menard)February 18, 2009 GAP-B Tile (PPPL Student+ UIUC) - 99 Langmuir Probes (33 sets of 3 toroidal rows) [UIUC triple probe electronics] GAP-E Tile (Zweben) - 2 BEAP bias electrodes - 2 TC (in IR Camera FOV) - 5 Langmuir Probes Using Existing electronics GAP-H Tile (Gerhardt) - 5 2D magnetic sensors for control - 2 TC (in IR Camera FOV) Using Existing electronics GAP-K Tile (Zweben) - 2 BEAP bias electrodes - 5 Langmuir Probes - 2 TC (in IR Camera FOV) Graphite tile transition regions between segments contain thermocouples, Langmuir probes, and magnetic & current sensors LLD Diagnostic Tile Sensors NSTX PAC Recommended Adequate Diagnostic Capability for LLD Langmuir probe tile (Thesis research) LLD diagnostic scopes are being re-examined to minimize the cost while retaining key capabilities
NSTX NSTX PAC-25 – Background info (Menard)February 18, BES Diagnostic Status: –BES viewing ports installed / lens being procured –U. Wisconsin manufacturing detectors to be delivered in two stages (16 & 16) to be available for FY 10 run. –Cable trays and diagnostic room readied –Fiber procurement and fiber holder design being finalized for fabrication –Aiming to commission the full system in FY 10 Beam Emission Spectroscopy for FY 10
NSTX NSTX PAC-25 – Background info (Menard)February 18, Motional Stark Effect -Laser Induced Fluorescence (MSE-LIF) for FY A PDR for entire system held on 1/9/09 Extension of mezzanine and relocation of two racks to make space for DNB completed during 2008 outage Design work for AC power services and cable tray complete The main PPPL tasks are: reconfiguring an existing port on the vessel for the DNB/laser flight tube, modifying a port cover to accommodate a new window and shutter for the viewing optics, providing AC power and water to DNB/laser, resolving a number of interferences (significant scopes) The main Nova Photonics tasks are: reconfiguring the DNB for installation on the NSTX platform, design and fabrication of magnetic shielding for beam, take delivery of laser, and lab testing of entire system To Measure E r (r), B(r) E. Foley, F. Levinton New MSE-LIF Platform