Tracking the Project - Page P2-L8-1 MEF-TRANSITION-P2-L8-1 Dr. M.E. Fayad Lesson 8: Tracking & Controlling the Project SoftwareEngineeringII
Tracking the Project - Page P2-L8-2 MEF-TRANSITION-P2-L8-2 Dr. M.E. Fayad Lesson Objectives oUnderstand why OO developments require detailed tracking oLearn how to avoid the perpetually 90% complete syndrome oUnderstand ways to evaluate OO development success
Tracking the Project - Page P2-L8-3 MEF-TRANSITION-P2-L8-3 Dr. M.E. Fayad OO P ROJECT C ONTROL IS AN A CTIVE P ROCESS Continuous assessment –progress –risks –resource availability Timely response to changes early warning system against a losing year, one day at a time. - Fred Brooks
Tracking the Project - Page P2-L8-4 MEF-TRANSITION-P2-L8-4 Dr. M.E. Fayad E STABLISH B ASELINE P LAN F OR M EASUREMENT Resource UtilizationIntegrated Schedule Object Dependencies and Critical Path
Tracking the Project - Page P2-L8-5 MEF-TRANSITION-P2-L8-5 Dr. M.E. Fayad D EVELOP OO T RACKING S YSTEM
Tracking the Project - Page P2-L8-6 MEF-TRANSITION-P2-L8-6 Dr. M.E. Fayad S AMPLE W ORKPACKAGE Identification section Definition section estimates work to be completed Allocation section defines current status and costs Link to master project schedule Link to detailed software schedule and PERT network Link to engineers performing work and metrics database
Tracking the Project - Page P2-L8-7 MEF-TRANSITION-P2-L8-7 Dr. M.E. Fayad P ROJECTS E ARN V ALUE AS W ORKPACKAGES ARE C OMPLETED Track only completed workpackage to avoid perpetually 90% complete syndrome Use inspections to certify complete workpackages
Tracking the Project - Page P2-L8-8 MEF-TRANSITION-P2-L8-8 Dr. M.E. Fayad M ONITOR P ROGRESS W ITH W ORKPACKAGES Workpackage Database Critical path changes Creeping Elegance Overbudget areas Extended schedules Excessive rework Resource saturation Critical path changes Creeping Elegance Overbudget areas Extended schedules Excessive rework Resource saturation
Tracking the Project - Page P2-L8-9 MEF-TRANSITION-P2-L8-9 Dr. M.E. Fayad S HINGO’S R ULES OF R ESPONSE Control upstream, as close to the source of the potential defect as possible Establish controls in relation to the severity of the problem Think smart and small. Strive for the simplest, most efficient, and most economical intervention Don’t delay improvement by overanalyzing Control upstream, as close to the source of the potential defect as possible Establish controls in relation to the severity of the problem Think smart and small. Strive for the simplest, most efficient, and most economical intervention Don’t delay improvement by overanalyzing Shigeo Shingo, Toyota
Tracking the Project - Page P2-L8-10 MEF-TRANSITION-P2-L8-10 Dr. M.E. Fayad D ID Y OUR OO P ROJECT S UCCEED ? What worked? - What didn’t? –quantitative statistics –qualitative feelings What helped? - What hurt? –significant deviations from plan? –effective solutions? –impact of tools and training? –effective organization? Conduct an off-site postmortem
Tracking the Project - Page P2-L8-11 MEF-TRANSITION-P2-L8-11 Dr. M.E. Fayad T RACKING AND C ONTROLLING S UMMARY 1. Project control is an active process 2. Establish tracking system based upon workpackages 3. Respond to metrics with timely, measured responses 4. Conduct project postmortem reviews 1. Project control is an active process 2. Establish tracking system based upon workpackages 3. Respond to metrics with timely, measured responses 4. Conduct project postmortem reviews