To establish competency goals and objectives for the teaching and learning of behaviors that contribute to a healthful lifestyle and improved quality of life for all students. What is the Purpose of Health Education?
Units We Will Cover the First Three Weeks 1.Preparatory-Definition of Health, Decision-Making, Health Continuum, Wellness, Self Esteem 2.Fitness-Target Heart Range, Aerobic and Anaerobic, 5 Elements of Fitness, Designing a Fitness Program 3.Substance Abuse-Drug Categories with emphasis on the Gateway Drugs: Tobacco, Alcohol, and Marijuana
Units We Will Cover the Second Three Weeks Nutrition-Food Groups, 6 Main Classes of Nutrients, Diets, Eating Disorders, my eating habits Relationships-Abstinence, Puberty, Male and Female Anatomy, Birth Control Methods for when a Husband and Wife get married, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, AIDS
GRADING POLICY *TEST 20% *PHYSICAL EDUCATION PARTICIPATION 45% *HEALTH PARTICIPATION 10% *NOTEBOOK 25% Each student will write two one-page health articles due the first three weeks of health. The second three weeks they will write one one-page health article. I will take seven in class assignments each three weeks for the notebook check. I will drop one of the seven.
HOMEWORK (3 TOTAL ARTICLES) Write a one-page summary (front of a page) of any health article that you have read. The article may come out of a magazine, newspaper, internet or journal. The article must be hand-written unless permission is granted by the teacher.
Partner Work