Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative Cooperative Strength Amazing Results Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative
Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative (MCCC) is a joint powers organization providing services, software, and other cost-effective measures to substantially reduce the cost of data processing for counties. Established in 1978, MCCC works with all 87 Minnesota counties, several Minnesota agencies, some Minnesota cities, and a few out-of-state counties and agencies. Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative Cooperative Strength Amazing Results Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative
Assists User Groups with organizing their group. Facilitates User Group meetings. Manages funds, serves as a fiduciary agent for the User Groups. Serves as a liaison between the User Groups and their vendors. Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative MCCC provides the following services to User Groups: Cooperative Strength Amazing Results Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative
Facilitates the sharing of information and resources between the different user groups. Manages the RFP and contracting process. Negotiates contracts on behalf of the User Groups. Helps identify problems and develop solutions. Applies for grants on behalf of the User Groups. Handles an array of other User Group responsibilities. Cooperative Strength Amazing Results Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative
Some of the MCCC User Groups own their software. This allows them to control all software changes, releases, updates and customizations to best meet their needs. MCCC User Group software is maintained, supported, and enhanced by vendors selected by the User Groups through an RFP process. Cooperative Strength Amazing Results Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative
MCCC Board The MCCC Board meets monthly. Past Chair, Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer are rotating positions. A Treasurer is elected from our membership each year at the MCCC annual meeting. The Board also has four region representatives and a technical representative that each serve two-year staggered terms. The nine member Board meets monthly to review financials, approve User Group Rules & Regulations, approve all contracts, work with the MCCC staff on current issues and serve as liaisons to the User Groups. MCCC full members are counties, cities, and agencies that belong to three or more User Groups. An annual membership meeting is held at the MCCC June conference to approve the annual budget, approve proposed joint powers agreements or bylaw changes, to elect the Treasurer and technical representative, and address any other Board issues. Cooperative Strength Amazing Results Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative
MCCC Board Cooperative Strength Amazing Results Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative Chair: Fran Windschitl, Auditor-Treasurer, Rice County Vice Chair: Mike Disher, Morrison County Treasurer: Dayle Moore, IT Director, Nicollet County Past Chair: Bob Hiivala, Auditor-Treasurer, Wright County Region I Representative: Ken Olson, Auditor, Pennington County Region II Representative: Dennis Freed, Auditor, Chisago County Region III Representative: Shirl Boelter, Finance Officer, Fillmore County Region IV Representative: Dan Whitman, Assessor, Martin County Technical Representative: Rich Meyer, IT Director, Brown County User Group Liaisons: Thomson Reuters Tax Liaison, Dennis Freed Xerox Tax Liaison, Ken Olson CAMAUSA Liaison, Dan Whitman County Attorney Liaison, Dayle Moore F&GG Liaison, Fran Windschitl Law Enforcement Liaison, Dan Whitman CHS Liaison, Shirl Boelter ISSG Liaison, Rich Meyer Corrections Liaison, Bob Hiivala Property Information Liaison, Mike Disher
Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative MCCC currently has ten User Groups: Minnesota Property Tax Xerox Tax Group Thomson Reuters (Aumentum) Tax Group CAMA Law Enforcement Finance & General Government JIC – Joint IFS (Advisory) Committee Community Health Service Corrections County Attorneys Information Services Support Group Property Information User Group (Schneider) Cooperative Strength Amazing Results Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative
Minnesota Property Tax User Group The Minnesota Property Tax System (PTS) User Group currently has 28 counties using the Xerox Minnesota property tax system. There are several subcommittees committed to various projects, such as the Legislative Research Committee, the Beta Testing Committee, and the Enhancement Issues and Standards Committee (EISC). The MCCC Tax User Group works closely with the Minnesota Department of Revenue on all of our projects. Cooperative Strength Amazing Results Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative
Minnesota Property Tax User Group The Minnesota Property Tax System User Group currently has 18 counties implementing the Thomson Reuters property tax system called Aumentum. There are several subcommittees committed to various projects, such as the Legislative Research Committee, the Training Committee, and the Enhancements & Reports Committee. The MCCC Tax User Group works closely with the Minnesota Department of Revenue on all of our projects. Cooperative Strength Amazing Results Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative
Minnesota Property Tax User Group The CAMAUSA User Group currently has 34 counties using the Xerox CAMAUSA software. This committee has been working together for many years. In 2009, they became a separate user group rather than a subcommittee under the Tax User Group. The CAMAUSA User Group members use either the Xerox or Thomson Tax Systems. The MCCC CAMAUSA User Group works closely with the Minnesota Department of Revenue on all of our projects. Cooperative Strength Amazing Results Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative
Law Enforcement User Group The Law Enforcement User Group currently has 15 member counties. CIS is the Law Enforcement User Group software vendor. The Law Enforcement User Group is working with neighboring state counties sharing the same software needs. The MCCC Law Enforcement User Group works closely with both the Department of Corrections and CriMNet in our activities and training. Cooperative Strength Amazing Results Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative
Finance & General Government User Group The Finance & General Government User Group has 47 member counties. The User Group has several software packages, including: Two payroll packages, a human resources package, Capital Assets, Integrated Financial System (IFS), and Treasurer’s Financial System. The Finance & General Government User Group recently completed the IFSpi rewrite project. IFS is owned and managed by a collaboration of 78 counties through the JIC Committee. Cooperative Strength Amazing Results Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative
JIC – Joint IFS (Advisory) Committee JIC represents the 78 counties using IFS. JIC is advisory committee with representatives from CMHS, MCIS, Midstates (CPU) and MCCC. In 2013, the JIC Advisory Committee officially joined MCCC as one of our groups. IFS is owned and managed by the 78 counties through the JIC. We will have completed the rollout of the new IFSpi in IFS is supported by our vendor TriMin. Cooperative Strength Amazing Results Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative
Community Health Services User Group The Community Health Services Group (CHS) currently has 30 member counties and agencies. The MCCC CHS User Group owns and manages PH-Doc. Over the past several years, the user group has invested time and money in a major rewrite of PH-Doc. We were a recipient of the Beacon Grant through a partnership with the Mayo Clinic. This work is now complete and PH-Doc can now run on two platforms and we have made great strides in implementing the interworking to allow for the electronic exchange of health records. The CHS group works closely with the Minnesota Department of Health on all of our projects. PH-Doc is HIPAA compliant. Cooperative Strength Amazing Results Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative
Corrections User Group The Corrections User Group is MCCC’s largest user group working with all 87 Minnesota counties either directly or through agencies and the Department of Corrections. The Corrections User Group developed and maintains the Court Services Tracking System (CSTS) software, which is used by probation and parole officers throughout the state. Strategic Technologies, Inc. is the vendor who holds the maintenance & support contract for CSTS. Juvenile/Adult Information Management System (JAIMS), the Financial Tracking System (FTS), the Domestic Relations System (DRS) and the new CISRS program are also Corrections User Group managed programs. The Department of Corrections (DOC) is a member of the MCCC Corrections User Group and the group works closely with CriMNet on both projects and training. Cooperative Strength Amazing Results Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative
County Attorney User Group The County Attorney User Group owns and manages the MCAPS software package, a case management system designed for county attorneys. MCAPS 4 is our newest version of MCAPS. We are currently in the process of rolling out our MCAPS4 to all of our users. MCAPS is currently linked with MNCIS and we will be expanding the software to link with other systems. MCAA is a member of MCCC and represents the part-time attorneys using MCAPS throughout the state! Which creates a user group of 45 voting members representing 58 counties and several cities. Cooperative Strength Amazing Results Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative
Information Services Support Group MCCC’s Information Services Support Group (ISSG) members are IT, MIS, IS managers and staff throughout the state. This group provides an amazing pool of resources! We share knowledge, assist each other on software and hardware challenges, and work together to find cooperative solutions. The ISSG Group spends time training and developing cooperative IT solutions for counties. Some of our past training sessions include: Microsoft Reporting Services, SQL, Crystal Reports, How to Hack ‘em So You Can Defend Them, Office 2008, Microsoft Server 2008, Security Training, Packet Level Training with Laura Chappell, and more! Cooperative Strength Amazing Results Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative
Other Benefits MCCC is Offering to Counties User Group Specialized Training MIS/IT/IS Staff Training Sessions and Certification Programs MCCC also provides an automated meeting calendar system to provide meeting notifications. Check out RSVP at Cooperative Strength Amazing Results Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative
What it means to be an MCCC Member… MCCC members must be willing to take responsibility for the following: Attending MCCC membership meetings to vote on budget, policy, and contract issues; Attending or make sure someone from your county is attending user group meetings for user groups that your county participates; Annual regional meetings prepared to voice any concerns and report back to the county; Keep County Board apprised of the cost of purchasing and supporting proposed software and hardware; And promoting MCCC within the county and with other groups of county personnel (professional associations). Cooperative Strength Amazing Results Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative
Responsibilities of the User Group Member Participation in user group meetings. Members may submit enhancement/change requests to the User Group. Major financial commitments, vendor selection, special assessments, and approval of contracts are done by a majority vote of the full User Group. The full User Group usually meets once per year. Recommendations for contract approval, vendor selection, and new financial obligations are forwarded to the MCCC Board for approval. Each User Group elects a chairperson, who may call meetings of the full User Group, advisory committee, or special committees. Cooperative Strength Amazing Results Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative
What’s happening at MCCC? To be informed of meetings, events and training sessions, register with our RSVP system! Visit then click on “Register Today!” Cooperative Strength Amazing Results Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative