Priorities for People
Promoting Leisure as integral to social, cultural and economic development
Where leisure is... recreation the arts and culture sport festivals and celebrations play travel and tourism health and fitness and...
Social Development means... enlarging choice and access Cultural Development means... affirming and enriching cultural identities Economic Development means... achieving sustainable and well distributed growth where...
How does World Leisure achieve these goals? by advocating the importance of leisure by fostering research and inquiry by programming directed at policy and executive development
The Four Priorities of World Leisure for
1. Heightening the Awareness of Leisure Benefits Expanding the appreciation of leisure as a contributor to individual and community wellbeing, especially among those who stand to benefit most from participation. 2. Improving Policy and Legislation Encouraging Governments to develop effective policies and practices in providing for leisure especially the lowering of barriers to involvement and participation. 3.Strengthening Leadership Providing education and training programs for those in positions of responsibility who have the greatest impact on the development and delivery of leisure programs. 4.Expanding International Cooperation Identifying and promoting cooperation among governmental and non-governmental agencies and organizations. Leisure contributing significantly to social, cultural and economic development, reflected in a greater commitment resources, expanded and better prepared leadership, and a significant rise in levels of participation.
The Results: By 2008, a world more fit for living...
... a world where: Governments provide policy and legislation, and support programs designed to optimize leisure opportunities The community is informed of the benefits of participation Children and adults have acquired knowledge and skills to derive full benefits The public, commercial and voluntary sectors cooperate to optimize outcomes All sectors work towards removing barriers to leisure involvement
What it Will Take … a clear vision strong leadership high quality programming continuous, open and effective communication and advocacy strong management and regular monitoring of progress and results adequate financial resources and... World Leisure: Priorities for People
... making choices: Whereas all people have a right to good quality leisure experiences; Whereas many face special barriers related to disability, gender, age, social status, poverty, domicile or education; and Whereas resources are always limited... We choose to concentrate our efforts where needs are greatest.
The Four Priorities of World Leisure: A CLOSER LOOK....
PRIORITY ONE : Heightening Awareness of Leisure Benefits WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE: - Add leisure to the agenda of major international Government Organizations - Identify and target major opinion leaders and policy makers - Develop a strategic media program with special reference to developing countries, children and older persons - Strengthen World Leisure initiatives: - Ensure leisure benefits is a major feature of World Leisure EXPO 2006: exhibitions, conferences, research, legacy - Ensure leisure benefits is a major feature of World Leisure Congresses
PRIORITY ONE: The Results 2004: - 8th World Leisure Congress in Brisbane promotes new directions of World Leisure - Strengthened or new presence in UN Special Agencies, especially UNESCO, UNICEF, UNDP, WHO, and WTO - Stronger World Leisure media programs, especially electronic : - Regional Conferences North America: Leisure and the social, cultural and economic development of Aboriginal peoples Europe: Meeting the needs of political, social, and economic migrants 2006: - World Leisure EXPO Hangzhou: Benefits of Leisure exposed to opinion leaders, policy makers and thousands of visitors - World Leisure Congress: New research findings and best practices presented - Leisure Summit 2008: - Significance of leisure incorporated more fully in the language and documentation of UN and other international agencies - Ensure latest leisure benefits findings are a major element of the 10th World Leisure Congress in Québec
PRIORITY TWO: Improving Policy and Legislation WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE: - Create a coherent rationale for leisure policy and legislation - Raise the awareness of the importance of leisure among policy makers - Make existing leisure policies and best practices widely available and accessible
PRIORITY TWO: The Results 2004: - Significance of leisure already present in major International conventions identified and promoted (particularly the UN, UNESCO, UNICEF, WTO) 2004: - Data base of existing national leisure policies and best practices established - World Leisure Executive Development Program Designed, with pilot implementation World Leisure Executive Development Program expanded, especially in jurisdictions where needs are greatest 2006: - Executive development conferences/workshops as part of the World Leisure EXPO Forum for senior policy officials from developing countries at the World Leisure EXPO :- Conference of most senior policy makers at the 10th World Leisure Congress 2008 in Québec
PRIORITY THREE: Strengthening Leadership WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE: - Strengthen and expand World Leisure post graduate international programs - Develop and deliver short courses and seminars strategically designed to address needs of marginalized or at-risk populations, such as children, women and older persons, the poor, and among refugees and victims of armed conflict. - Establish bridges between policy makers and practitioners - Involve practitioners increasingly in the work of World Leisure and encourage the establishment of professional organisations in individual countries - Establish a registry of those willing to volunteer their services in relevant training programmes.
PRIORITY THREE: The Results 2004: - WICE-Wageningen Program: New partnership with Wageningen University (The Netherlands) implemented - Agreements established with other institutions to offer vocational training and education programs 2005: - Pilot training and educational programs offered 2006: - Training programs in place for practitioners at executive and management levels, with special emphasis on those to be held in conjunction with World Leisure EXPO : - A significant increase in the size of the leadership pool trained to offer programs - Evaluation conference convened in the context of the 10th World Leisure Congress in Québec
PRIORITY FOUR: Expanding International Cooperation WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE: - Greater cooperation among international agencies and organizations - Make existing information and documentation more accessible
PRIORITY FOUR: The Results 2004: - New affiliation agreements between World Leisure and other international non-Governmental leisure organizations, both practitioner and scholarly based - Increased participation in meetings an programs of international governmental organizations, especially those of the UN - World Leisure web site available in Chinese - Web site content strengthened to reflect priorities 2005:- Major print documents translated into languages of strategic significance - World Leisure web site available in four languages 2006: - Special programs devised to contribute to the World Leisure EXPO in International research program on involvement barriers and constraints to involvement in leisure - Leisure Summit as component of World Leisure EXPO :- Follow-up of 2006 Leisure Summit included in World Leisure Congress 2008 in Québec
STEP ON THE WORLD STAGE 8th World Leisure Congress: Leisure Matters Brisbane, Australia September 12-17,2004 North American Regional Conference: Social, Cultural and Economic Development of Aboriginal Peoples Penticton, Canada. September 26-30, th World Leisure Congress Hangzhou, China October, 2006 World Leisure Expo 2006: Hangzhou, China May to October, th World Leisure Congress: Québec City, Canada October 6-10, 2008 Leisure... integral to social, cultural and economic development
Promoting Leisure as integral to social, cultural and economic development Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay. - Article 24: United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights