+ PE /Health Education Mr. Morris
+ Cardiorespiratory Endurance Training Read Article “Cardiorespiratory Endurance Training”. Annotate the article (12-15 minutes) 1. Hi-Lite the main idea of each paragraph. 2. Circle any words that you do not understand 3. On the right hand side of the article, write down any questions that you may have about what you read. 4. Write 2-3 sentences summarizing the main points of the article. Hole punch the article, and put it in the PE section of your binder.
+ Learning Objectives IWBAT: I will create a diagram that identifies the major parts that form the cardiorespiratory system and synthesize a list of its major functions as it pertains to increasing ones own health and fitness.
+ What’s going on when you do Cardiorespiratory exercise? Bodies Transportation System Picks up and transports OXYGEN, nutrients, and other substances to organs and tissues Picks up waste products (CO2, H2O,…) and carries them to where they are expelled.
+ Cardiorespiratory System/ Cardiovascular System Cardiovascular System 1. Heart 2. Arteries 3. Veins 4. Blood vessels Cardiorespiratory System All of the above but also includes the lungs and other breathing apparatuses.
+ Cardiorespiratory Endurance What is happening to our cardiorespiratory system when we do cardiorespiratory training/exercise? Increase in Volume of Oxygen Consumed (Vo2) The more we train in this area: 1. The more oxygen we can consumed 2. A greater percentage of that oxygen can be used to do more work. 3. Therefore, more energy can be produced
+ Vo2 Max Significance VO2 max refers to your body's maximum ability to transport and use oxygen during physical activity. It is the primary indicator that determines cardiovascular fitness and aerobic endurance. It is also known as maximum oxygen intake and plays an important role in an athlete's success at his chosen sport. VO2 max is influenced by a number of factors, including age, gender, genetics and altitude. Increasing training intensity and volume are the two primary ways to improve VO2 max, according to the National Strength and Conditioning Association.
+ Cardio Respiratory diagram Color code the diagram making sure you distinguish the cardiovascular system from the respiratory system. Arteries: blue Veins: Red Lungs: Green
+ Exit Slip Take a minute to think about the importance of the cardiorespiratory system. Then with your elbow partner, quickly list on a half sheet of paper as many functions of the cardiorespiratory system that you both can think of. Write the ESAT heading and both of your names on the paper. Turn it in before you leave class today.