Examine the Infographic about how much money was spent on advertising fast food versus fruits/vegetables in 2012 (click or tap on the picture to see a larger version). How might this kind of advertising affect your food choices? Do fast food advertisements encourage you to make healthy food choices? Watch Annie and Moby talk about nutrition.Annie and Moby Next *NOTE: Go to the BCPS Database page and click on BrainPOP Jr., then return to this slide and click on the video link aboveBCPS Database page Image Source: Fast Food Marketing.orgFast Food Marketing.org
Next Run time: 22 minutes Image Source: Safari Montage Snip Image Source: MyPlate.gov
Use the information sources on Slide 2 to answer these questions about each food group: What foods are in each group? List some examples. How much is needed daily? What counts as a cup? OrganizeOrganize your research! These notes will help you to complete the assessment on Slide 4. Click the Pyramid to go to My Pyramid Next Image Source: Healthguidlines WikispacesHealthguidlines Wikispaces
Using the knowledge from your research, create a healthy dinner plate for an 8 year old boy or girl. Illustrate healthy food choices and portions using one of the following tools: ABCya: PaintABCya: Paint (tutorial) (tutorial) Crayola Digi-ColorCrayola Digi-Color (tutorial) (tutorial) KidspirationKidspiration (tutorial) (tutorial) Poster WixieWixie (tutorial) (tutorial) Next Image Source:
Learn more about healthy food choices and have fun playing these games! Choose My Plate Games Mission Nutrition - Game Mission Nutrition What being "over weight" means. – Kid’s Health Article (be sure to click the LISTEN button to hear it read aloud as you read) What being "over weight" means. Elmo Visits The White House Kitchen – YouTube Video Elmo Visits The White House Kitchen BrainPOP Jr. - Digestive System – Play the game after watching BrainPOP Jr. - Digestive System BrainPop Jr – Exercise – Play the game after watching BrainPop Jr – Exercise *To open the BrainPop videos, go to the BCPS Database page and click on BrainPOP Jr., then return to this slide and click on the activity links above.BCPS Database page Next Image Source: YouTube SnipYouTube Snip
BCPS Curriculum Health grade 3 Nutrition Objective: Students will explain how to plan a balanced healthful diet that includes adequate nutrients (as classified in the Food Guide Pyramid) and water. Maryland State Curriculum Standard 6.0 Nutrition and Fitness Students will demonstrate the ability to use nutrition and fitness knowledge, skills, and strategies to promote a healthy lifestyle. Common Core State Standards Reading: 1. Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. Writing: 7. Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects based on focused questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. Standards for the 21 st Century Learner Standards for the 21 st Century Learner Read, view, and listen for information presented in any format (e.g. textual, visual, media, digital) in order to make inferences and gather meaning Use strategies to draw conclusions from information and apply knowledge to curricular areas, real-world situations, and further investigations. Maryland Technology Literacy Standards for Students 3.0: Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration. Time Frame: 2 45 minute class periods (max) Differentiation: Allow student to choose their product. Websites can be read aloud by copying and pasting the text to a Word document (add the “speak selected text” to their quick links toolbar)“speak selected text” Check for Kidspiration on computers Give the option for students to create the plate on paper with food cut outs (from magazines) Make a template of the plate in Microsoft Word and have students use clip art to complete the assessment.template Use Web 2.0 drawing tools. Notes to the teacher: Collaborate with your school library media specialist to implement this lesson. Last updated: July 2015 Created by Angela Sofinowski, Library Media Specialist BCPS Slam Dunk Research Model, Copyright 2013, Baltimore County Public Schools, MD, all rights reserved. The models may be used for educational, non-profit school use only. All other uses, transmissions, and duplications are prohibited unless permission is granted expressly. This lesson is based on Jamie McKenzie’s Slam Dunk Lesson module.Angela Sofinowski Jamie McKenzie’s Slam Dunk Lesson module