Using ITIS to Create BDP Taxonomic Classification Terry Giles USGS-FORT (970)
Objective - At the end of this module, the user will be able to download taxonomic classification for at least 2 species from ITIS and insert the it into an existing metadata record.
What is ITIS? Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Provides standardized, scientifically credible taxonomic information Easily accessible database with reliable information on names and classification
Accessing ITIS Quick Search Advanced Search Download data
ITIS Metadata Tool Creates a downloadable SGML file containing Taxonomic Classification elements. Only works for Scientific Names. Can only search within one Kingdom at a time.
Upload your file Create a text file containing the names of 2 species and a header line stating ‘name’. Martes martes, Accipiter gentilis The search tool is case sensitive – Genus species Browse to the file on your machine & use the Upload button to send to ITIS. Continue to Step 2
Selecting your output Select the Kingdom for the species in your list our example = Animalia Select “Scientific Name (FGDC Biological Profile Report - Prototype)” to make SGML Use the “View Matches” and “View non- matches” to check your upload.
Taxonomic Comparison Click the Taxonomic Compare button to run Report summary page – to get to SGML click the button. Click ‘Download SGML data’ Use ‘SAVE AS’ to save as text with Unicode (UTF-8) encoding.
Inserting Taxonomy – Single Kingdom Complete the Mandatory Taxonomy elements in Metavist. Save the file in Metavist and close Metavist. Open the XML file in Notepad; Open the ITIS download in notepad Paste the ITIS file into the XML just below and Save. Open the file again in Metavist.
Inserting Taxonomy – Multiple Kingdoms Complete the Mandatory Taxonomy elements in Metavist. Start the Taxonomic Classification – add ‘Empire’ under Rank Name; Rank Value & Common Name will automatically populate. Save the file in Metavist and close Metavist.
Inserting Taxonomy – Multiple Kingdoms Open the XML file in Notepad; Open the 2 ITIS downloads in Notepad. Paste both ITIS files into the XML just below Carbon-based lifeforms and above. Save the file. Open the file again in Metavist.