Welcome to Year 5
Meet the Year 5 team
Nepal 5C Mr James Collinson (Year leader)
Maldives 5H Mrs Vicki Hurst
Cambodia 5P Miss Emily Pickett
Year 5 Teaching Assistant (all classes) Mrs Sharon Bradley
PPA Teachers Mrs Hallett 5P CambodiaMrs Rust 5H Maldives
PPA Teachers Mrs Wattam (Assistant Head Key Stage 2) 5C Nepal
In Year 5 we aim to: Ensure a smooth transition from Year 4 Encourage confidence and self belief Develop children’s independence Expand skills for life long learning Encourage ownership of their learning Promote team work Enable every child to experience success
What will the children learn? A topic web is sent home at the beginning of each new topic giving specific details about what we will be learning. Homework will be sent alongside the topic web with suggestions for extending learning about the topic at home.
Topics in Year 5 Our amazing planet We are investigators! Incredible Invaders Space explorers Mysterious Mesopotamia
Forest School in Year 5 All Year 5 pupils will take part in Forest school for half a term. They will spend Thursday afternoons in the Forest school area learning a range of personal and technical skills. Activities include making shelters, learning how to use tools to cut and shape wood and a range of games designed to develop team working and creative thinking. You will be informed when your child is participating. They will need wellies, waterproof trousers, coat and a complete change of clothes. They go out whatever the weather!
Daily routines Gates open – 8:40am Registration – 8:55am Assembly – 11am Break time – 11:15am Lunchtime – 12:30pm till 1:20pm Home time 3:20pm
Daily routines continued School book bags should be brought in every day with your child’s home school liaison books in case we need to get a message home to you or you need to communicate with us. These will continue to be checked daily. Children will have access to the toilets and water fountain nearest to their classroom. We encourage them to bring in a water bottle to keep in class (clearly labelled with their name) Children need PE kit in school every day.
Books As well as the blue home school liaison book, your child will need: Reading journal (where you can encourage your child to read independently at home and comment on their books) Spelling log book (where you can help support you child with any spelling words they need to focus on learning)
Celebrating achievements The merit system is used in Year 5 in the same way as in Year 4. Each pupil will get a new merit book at the start of the year. Star of the week – chosen for working well in class. Mathematician of the week – awarded for outstanding work in Maths. Writer of the week – awarded for outstanding work in English.
Homework There will be a selection of homework options, closely related to the topic for the term, these will cover both literacy and maths areas of the curriculum. There will be a regular opportunity to share and comment on homework in class. My Maths homework will be set each Friday.
The role of parents Encourage your child to develop a sense of independence – packing their own school bag, remembering their books. Ensure your child is reading regularly at home and using their reading log book to comment on their book, every night if possible. Homework – help and guidance where necessary. Please come in to help in the classroom or on a trip, if you can.(Please ensure you have a current CRB check – the Office can complete this. ) Communicate any messages to your child’s teacher via the home school liaison book.
Trips – South Downs Planetarium We visit the Planetarium in Chichester when we study our topic “Space Explorers” to learn about planets, star constellations and much more!
Butser Ancient Farm This trip is linked to our study of Anglo- Saxons and Vikings.