Profit Maximization Revenue is Viewed from the standpoint of either input or output. Income to the producer is Measured in terms of either revenue per unit of input or revenue per unit of output. Profit is maximized when total revenue exceeds total costs
Profit Maximization Total revenue = Amount of product sold X product price. If there are too many farmers, no one producer can influence the product price appreciably. This means that the only way individual farmers can increase their total revenue without changing quality of product is to increase their total production. This revenue relationship is referred to as a linear one, i.e. a straight-line relationship.
Profit Maximization Profits are maximized when the total revenue from the sale of the last unit of output just equals the costs necessary to produce it. At this point, marginal costs equal marginal revenue (MC=MR). This is the least cost point of production. Net profit is determined by total revenue (TR) minus total costs (TC). Net profit is greatest when the difference between TR and TC is greatest.
Selecting and Combining Enterprises Most farmers grow a variety of crops and may keep some livestock. Mixtures of crops are grown on the same plot in the same season, a practice known as mixed-cropping or inter-cropping. The types of plant and animal enterprises that are profitable for any farmer/manager are determined to a large degree by the law of comparative advantage.
Selecting and Combining Enterprises Farmers must Determine/develop the cropping system. Develop the livestock programme. The choice of enterprise(s) depends in part On the farmer’s personal preferences and family goals Upon the farm manager’s ability to apply technical expertise and economic reasoning, Upon the resources with which the managers must work.
Selecting and Combining Enterprises Choices of products are t made based various considerations including: Production possibilities of the products Constraints and Feasible area Maximization of returns Subjective Preferences Food versus Cash Crops Specialization versus diversification
Production possibilities of the products Where two crops are competitive the expansion of one has a “cost” in terms of the amount of the alternative foregone. This is a measure of opportunity cost. Resources of land, labour and homemade capital has opportunity costs though they may not have a market price.
Production possibilities of the products Production possibility boundaries may be drawn for any pair of alternative products, crop or livestock. The slope of the curve of a possibility curve will measure of the rate at which one product can replace another and is known as the rate of product transformation (RPT).
Constraints and Feasible area Limitations of space, soil moisture and various plant nutrients are constraints on crop growth, but the crops compete at different rates for them. Mixed cropping is one of the ways to overcome these constraints as it: Increases the utilization of environmental factors such as light, water and nutrients as different crops have different water and nutrient requirements and different rooting habits. Enhances better control of weeds, pests and diseases. Enhances soil protection
Maximization of returns Assuming that the objective of the farmer is to maximize returns, he/she endavour to produce at the level where he/she has the least-cost combination. He/she will produce at the point of economic optimum.
Subjective Preferences It is not always that a farmer produces for the mere objective of maximizing financial gains. Farmer could be concerned with Finding a single, best combination or maximizing anything so long as he/she can meet his/her minimum goals. Ranking objectives in order of priority to meet family objectives. Maximizing utility
Food versus Cash Crops Assuming that the farmer, though not committed to mixed cropping, is endowed with limited resources, he/she must choose between competing uses of these resources. For example he/she must choose whether to grow maize for food or coffee for cash. In practice, there are choices to be made not simply between cash production and food production but between a whole range of consumption goods and a large array of production processes
Specialization versus diversification Depending on whether the farmer is a large scale or small-scale producer, there are advantages in specialization and devoting all available resources to that activity where economies of scale exist. However, diversification into more than one productive activity has several potential advantages.
Advantages of Diversification Given that some inputs are fixed, marginal returns are likely to diminish as more and more are devoted to a single product. Higher marginal returns and hence more total product are obtained by devoting some of the inputs to an alternative crop or livestock activity. Complementary and supplementary relationships between alternative products means that the combined output of both from a given set of resource is greater that that of either one on its own.
Advantages of Diversification Exploiting available resources up to their limits can increase total production, which means making the constraints effective. This then will involve a combination of productive activities. Where subjective choice is involved, as in choosing what crops to grow for home consumption, a variety of products are likely to be preferred over a single one. Risk may be reduced by diversification.