Medical Terms
Abnormal softening of cartilage CHRONDROMALACIA CHRONDRO + MALACIA cartilage + abnormal softening Abnormal softening of cartilage
ARTHROPATHY ARTHRO + PATHY joint + disease Disease of joint
OSTEOSCLEROSIS OSTEO + SCLEROSIS bone + abnormal hardening Abnormal hardening of the bones
OSTEOARTHRITIS OSTEO + ARTHR + ITIS Bone + joint + inflammation Bone and joint inflammation
NEPHRECTOMY NEPHR + ECTOMY kidney + surgical removal Surgical removal of kidney
OOPHRORHYSTERECTOMY OOPHROR + HYSTER+ ECTOMY ovary + uterus + surgical removal Surgical removal of ovary and uterus
CYSTOPLASTY CYSTO + PLASTY Bladder + surgical repair Surgical repair of the bladder
HYSTEROLAPAROTOMY HYSTERO +LAPAR + OTOMY Uterus + abdomen + surgical incision Surgical incision of uterus through the abdominal wall
NEPHROSCLEROSIS NEPHRO + SCLEROSIS kidney + abnormal hardening Abnormal hardening of the kidney
CYSTITIS CYST + ITIS bladder + infection or inflammation
BRADYCARDIA BRADY + CARDIA Slow + heart Slow heart beat
CEPHALGIA CEPH + ALGIA Head + painful Headache
RHINITIS RHIN + ITIS nose + inflammation Inflammation of the nasal cavity
MYASTHENIA MY + ASTHENIA Muscle + weakness Muscle weakness
OTOSCOPE OTO + SCOPE Ear + instrument to view Instrument to look into ear
HEPATOMEGALY HEPATO + MEGALY Liver + enlargement Liver enlargement
ARTERIOSTENOSIS ARTERIO + STENOSIS Artery + narrowing Narrowing of artery
SUBDERMAL SUB + DERMAL Under + skin Under the skin
GASTRITIS GASTR + ITIS Stomach + inflammation Inflammation of the stomach
COLORRHAPHY COLO + RRHAPHY Colon + suture Suture of the colon