1 Preparatory Work Programme For RRC-2004 July May 2004 REV-01( ) Presentation made By Gideon L Mwakatobe
2 Agenda 1.Consultation Process for Council Resolution PP-02 Res 117 ( Marrakesh, 2002) 3.Special Information Meeting-Venue of WRC-03 4.Approval of modification of Council Resolution 1185
3 Agenda 5.6 th TG 6/8 Meeting 6.ITU Information Meeting 7.ATU Consultation Meeting 8.Preparatory Expert Group (PEG 9.ATU Preparatory Meeting
4 Agenda 10.Endorsements of AFCPs 11.Submission of endorsements to ITU 12.ATU Consultation Meetings (Venue of RRC) 13.ATU Global Decision-making Contributions Coordination
5 Consultation Processes for Council Resolution st Consultation Process for African Broadcasting Area (ABA) 2 nd Consultation Process for ABA 1 st Consultation for further Extension
6 PP-02 Resolution 117 (Marrakesh, 2002) Further Extension of Planning Area
7 Special Information Meeting- Venue of WRC-03 Approval by Mr. Michel Giroux, Deputy Director BR. Presentation by : Mr. Trajco Gavrilov - Genesis Mr. David Botha - Draft Report of TG 6/8
8 Approval of Modification of Council Resolution st ITU Consultation June- 17 July nd ITU Consultation- 27th August to 10 th October 2003
9 6 th Meeting of TG 6/8 1.Contents of TG 6/8 Report 2.Questions and Answers 3.Adoption of the TG 6/8 Report
10 ITU Information Session on RRC-2004/05 1.Agenda of the meeting refers 2.Venue: ITU Premises 3.Date September 2003
11 ATU Consultation Meeting 1.Agenda of the meeting refers. 2.Date: 18/9/ Venue: ITU- Meeting Room C2 4.Time: hrs.
12 Preparations of Positions 1.National Positions 2.Preparatory Expert Group (PEG)-Hqrs
13 ATU Preparatory Meeting 1.Date: 2-6 February 2004 (Tentative) 2.Venue: To be determined 3.Purpose: Evolution of draft African Common Proposals (AFCPs)
14 Endorsements of AFCPs 1.ATU Member States to endorse draft AFCPs 2.15 Endorsements with not more than three written opposition makes a draft into a mature AFCP 3.Less than 15 endorsements makes AFCP a joint proposal
15 Submission of endorsements to ITU 1.Contributions of ATU Member States for the work of RRC Establishment of strategies for defending AFCPs at the RRC-2004
16 ATU Consultation Meetings 1.Venue: Geneva 2.Date:10-28 May Purpose: Defending and negotiating with other RTOs in support of AFCPs
17 ATU Global Decision-making Contributions Coordinator 1.Corporate Profile 2.Factsheet :Global Decision-making Contributions Coordination (GDCC) 3.Events Calendar