15 November 2013 Cape Town 9 October 2013 Linking knowledge producers and marginalised communities: DST/ HSRC/ CPUT Science seminar Social science that makes a difference
AIM: Bring together researchers and policy makers in the higher education, community engagement, social innovation and development spaces Debate role knowledge producers in different types of universities and science councils can play in innovation for inclusive development Examine nature of university interaction with marginalised communities to promote livelihoods Identify mechanisms through which universities can promote innovation for the public good Provide a comparative perspective from Argentina
Social science that makes a difference SA debate: disjuncture but potential alignment Higher Education sector and research Science and Technology sector and research Focus on university’s role in equity, responsiveness to social justice and promoting the public good Focus on university’s role in big science, innovation, economic demand and promoting global competitiveness Shift to promote ‘community engagement’ as integral to academic scholarship BUT contestation - and diverse conceptualisation and forms in practice Shift to include a focus on ‘broad-based social innovation’ and technology for poverty reduction BUT contestation – and lack of conceptual models to inform intervention and practice How do universities (and public research institutes) promote an integrated and inclusive socio-economic development mandate, particularly to the benefit of marginalised and rurally-based communities?
Innovation-growth nexusInnovation-social inclusion nexus Who Policy actors University-Firm STI, HEI, Science Councils, Granting councils, Firms R&D University-Marginalised community HEI, Science Councils, Local community, Development issues Social Policy, ST WhyCompetitiveness Growth Globalisation Equality, local development Inclusive development Social accountability What (inputs)Industrial specialisation Economic infrastructure Jobs Production Trade National/ Local opportunities Social impacts Improved livelihoods Improved services Socio-economic infrastructure HowTechnology transfer Patents, licencing Incubators, commercialisation Base of the Pyramid Teaching, Research and community engagement Grassroots innovation Teaching, research of community engagement Coherence, alignment and integration between *teaching *research *community engagement