Identifying Data Needs: Workshop on Household Surveys and Measurement of Labour Force with Focus on Informal Economy Maseru, Lesotho, 14-18 April 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

Identifying Data Needs: Workshop on Household Surveys and Measurement of Labour Force with Focus on Informal Economy Maseru, Lesotho, April 2008 User-Producer Collaboration

2 Overview Introduction Benefits of user-producer collaboration Scope of user-producer collaboration Identifying key users Bringing producers to the table Collaboration arrangements Challenges Current practices among SADC countries Concluding remarks Discussion points

3 Introduction Scope of data collection often pre-determined with limited data needs assessment Wealth of data collected but relevance is limited or little understood by users Data collected but not tabulated to address specific needs Limited resources to conduct extensive data analysis Dissemination strategies reach selected audiences Lack of awareness by users about data availability Data collected not fully utilized Common problems faced by data producers

4 Benefits of user-producer collaboration Identify and prioritize key issues and data needs Identify relevant policy documents Improve relevance of data collected Identify strengths and weaknesses of data Improve quality of data collected Improve relevance and quality of statistical publications and other products Improve users’ understanding of data collected Develop more realistic expectations among users Improve use of data in the design, monitoring and assessment of policies and programmes Promote partnerships for data analysis

5 Scope of user-producer collaboration Effective user-producer collaboration requires Continuous two-way collaboration throughout data production process –Understand users’ needs –Learn to communicate in the language of users –Bring statistics to different technical levels –Make producers’ constraints known –Respond to and appreciate feedback

6 Data production process Scope of user-producer collaboration Define issues Identify statistical needs Identify gaps Support analysis Identify gaps Feedback on products Questionnaire design Concepts and methods User-producer dialogue

7 Identify key users Planners Managers Researchers Legislators Workers’ advocates Women’s advocates Programme designers Policy and decision makers Media International organizations, development partners, bilateral aid agencies Ministries Women’s machineries Universities Research centers Non-governmental organizations National, sub-national associations Regional networks Private corporations Regional and international organizations Trainings, conferences WhoWhere

8 Know your users Understand their needs and requirements Appreciate their special skills and potentials Determine how best to capitalize on those skills Users Aware of gender issuesNot aware of gender issues Trained in statistics Trained in statistics Not trained in statistics Not trained in statistics

9 Develop a strong user network Develop and maintain list of data users and organize them by: –Geographic location, organization type, main interests, strengths Keep users abreast of developments Keep log of user requests Set up clear and efficient system for users to contact your office

10 Bringing producers to the table Maximize in-house knowledge and resources Strengthen collaboration across units and institutions involved in production of official statistics Increase synergies between work-plans and programmes Increase awareness of strengths, resources available, and constraints Develop coherent information infrastructure

11 Bringing producers to the table Statisticians –Labour –Gender –National accounts –Economics –Education Accountants –National accountants Information custodians –Administrative data –Business registers National statistical offices Ministries Enterprises WhoWhere Consider those inside and outside your unit within your institution and in other institutions

12 Collaboration arrangements Informal discussions Individual consultations Request for comments, feedback on draft materials Technical workshops, seminars –Data analysis –Report Drafting Meetings of consultative/advisory committees Dissemination workshops Establishment of a statistics user-producer association Key: keep continuous communication with a diverse user base through multiple channels

13 Challenges Managing the wide range of users Reconciling different interests and purposes Responding to varying levels of understanding of technical issues and gender awareness Meeting diversity of needs Time/scheduling conflicts Institutionalizing the process

14 Current practices among SADC countries Has your NSO identified key labour issues and gender issues in the labour market for which statistics are needed that you are currently working on? Labour issuesGender issues in labour market Yes115 No28 NR11

15 Current practices among SADC countries Is there a focal point, unit, desk, or advisory, steering, or working group on gender statistics in your NSO? Gender statistics focal point/group Yes7 No6 NR1 If yes, areas of collaboration Little, ad-hoc Questionnaire design Publications Tabulation Data analysis Staff training Assess availability of gender statistics Recommend improvements

16 Current practices among SADC countries User-producer collaboration to identify key issues in labour market or gender issues in labour market for which data are needed. User-producer collaboration Yes7 No6 NR1 If yes, format Project/survey oriented Consultative meetings User workshops –Consensus building –Dissemination Regular symposium Regular communication Review of data requests

17 Current practices among SADC countries If yes, purpose Questionnaire review Gender analysis and report writing Help stakeholders understand data Strategic planning for data collection Mobilize funds Promote dialogue Assessment of data relevance Identify priority areas, data needs, and government programmes needing monitoring User-producer collaboration

18 Current practices among SADC countries If yes, members Various data producers Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs Planners Business institutions Political authorities Researchers, academic Staff NGOs, advocacy groups Development partners User-producer collaboration

19 Current practices among SADC countries Degree of interaction with National Women’s Machinery National Women’s Machinery Yes, regularly2 Yes, occasionally4 No6 NR1 If yes, areas of collaboration Input in questionnaire Data collection Analysis Stakeholder meetings

20 Current practices among SADC countries Collaboration with other institutions Yes RegularlyOccasionallyNoN/A Ministry of Labour/NSO8500 Ministry of Planning6430 Business Chamber11110 Research Institutions2740 Academic Institutions3640 Other: National workers association, Treasury, Reserve Bank, Development partners, International org. 5100

21 Current practices among SADC countries Some degree of collaboration with users, but Scope of interaction is limited to specific activities Focuses primarily in questionnaire review, data dissemination and data requests Limited on-going communication to identify issues and improve overall production process Interaction is primarily with key producers of statistics and planners, but Limited interaction with researchers and academic institutions Poor interaction with main gender stakeholders –Gender statistics units/group in-house –National Women’s Machineries Summary

22 Concluding Remarks Institutionalizing user-producer collaboration is central to improve the relevance and quality of official statistics Engaging gender stakeholders in-house and externally is central to improving understanding of gender issues and quality of data Collaboration needs to be bi-directional, we all have something to give and learn It is part of the planning process to improve efficiency and effectiveness of the national statistical infrastructure

23 Reflection Points How can we improve user-producer dialogue? How can we extend our network of producers and users? Who are we not yet talking to? How can we reach out and establish contact? What can we learn from users? What challenges do we expect?

24 Thank you !