Providing Treatment, Restoring Hope South Africa Transition Plan Track 1.0 Implementers Meeting August 11 – 12, 2008
Slide 2 AIDSRelief In South Africa AIDSRelief has supported 2 indigenous umbrella partners and their sites throughout the first 5 years of PEPFAR IYD/SA with 5 sites in the Eastern Cape province SACBC AIDS Office with 20 ART sites in 8 of the 9 provinces SACBC currently receives CDC funds directly for OVCs (agreement ends August 2008) St. Mary’s Hospital (an SACBC treatment site) currently receives CDC funds directly for PMTCT, in-patient palliative care, and for supporting down-referrals to community sites (agreement ends 2012) Both SACBC and IYD/SA applied directly for the local PEPFAR APS for
Slide 3 The Transition Plan IYD/SA to graduate from AIDSRelief Consortium and receive funds directly SACBC to graduate from AIDSRelief, receive both ART and OVC funds directly in one grant SACBC to subcontract CRS to support M&E, technical training, clinical coordination, and some aspects of financial management St. Mary’s to add ART to its current COP and function independently from the SACBC umbrella
Slide 4 Preparation for Transition: Financial Management AIDSRelief partners [SACBC, IYD/SA and their sites] participated directly in CRS/USG financial compliance trainings IYD/SA received funds directly through CAF [an AIDSRelief consortium international partner] SACBC has received AIDSRelief funds directly from CRS/HQ and procures drugs, pays for lab, and pays all salaries and other expenses at treatment sites SACBC had clean audits from the USG approved audit firm and from CRS auditors SACBC successfully managed funds received directly from CDC
Slide 5 Preparation for Transition: Monitoring and Evaluation AIDSRelief has good track record: Successful PEPFAR audit of stats; PEPFAR Award for excellence in M&E Annual training for M&E staff at treatment sites Intensive hands-on support to treatment sites to correct weaknesses in reporting Reporting relationship with South Africa MOH Introduction of electronic Patient Data System, reviewed and approved by CDC
Slide 6 Preparation for Transition: Quality of Clinical Services Utilizes local clinical experts Ongoing program of training, mentoring and retraining using in-country CDC staff; local PEPFAR partners; Georgetown Nursing School (HRSA), etc. SACBC has collaborative relationship with 4 local universities that provide support, including training, evaluation of clinical outcomes, etc: U of Wits, U of Pretoria, U of Free State, and U of Cape Town
Slide 7 Preparation for Transition: Collaboration with SA Government Working with SA government health officials at all levels is a high priority Patient stats reported monthly to government Collaboration varies according to facility, district and province Some services on government premises Some provinces provide drugs and lab Some provinces pay salaries of staff Some accept patient referrals and transfers
Slide 8 Progress on Transition Only 2 expatriates in AIDSRelief South Africa Local partners SACBC and IYD/SA have been equal implementing and decision-making partners with AIDSRelief, CDC and other stakeholders from day 1 Transition is now complete and local partners are ready to provide leadership AIDSRelief will continue to provide technical support to SACBC throughout the continuation of PEPFAR