ETD 2004 University of Kentucky NDLTD Board Meeting 2 June 2004
Meetings past and future 1987 mtg in Ann Arbor: UMI, VT, … 1992 mtg in Washington: CNI, CGS, UMI, VT and 10 universities with 3 reps each 1993 mtg in Atlanta to start Monticello Electronic Library (regional, US Southeast): SURA, SOLINET 1994 mtg at VT: std: PDF + SGML + multimedia objects 1996 funding by SURA, US Dept. of Education (FIPSE) 1997 meetings in UK, Germany, – 1 st symposium – Memphis (20) 1999 – 2 nd symposium – Blacksburg (70) 2000 – 3 rd symposium – St. Petersburg (225) 2001 – 4 th symposium – Caltech (200) 2002 – 5 th syposium – BYU, Provo, Utah 2003 – 6 th syposium – Berlin (215) 2004 – 7 th syposium – U. Kentucky 2005 – 8 th syposium – Sydney, Australia
Board of Directors Suzie Allard (ETD 2004, U. Kentucky) Denise A. D. Bedford (World Bank) Julia C. Blixrud (ARL, SPARC) José Luis Borbinha (National Lib Portugal) Alex Byrne (ETD 2005, ADT: Australia) Tony Cargnelutti (ETD 2005, Australia) Vinod Chachra (VTLS) Susan Copeland (RGU, UK) Jude Edminster (Bowling Green St. Univ.) Scott Eldredge (Treasurer, ETD 2002, BYU) Edward A. Fox (Exec Director,Virginia Tech) John H. Hagen (West Virginia U.) Thomas B. Hickey (OCLC) Christine Jewell (U. Waterloo, Canada) Delphine Lewis (ProQuest) Joan K. Lippincott (CNI) Mike Looney (Adobe) Gail McMillan (Secretary, Virginia Tech) Joseph Moxley (ETD 2000, USF) Eva M ü ller (U. Uppsala, Sweden) Ana Pavani (PUC Rio, Brazil) Axel Plathe (UNESCO, Paris) Sharon Reeves (National Library Canada) Peter Schirmbacher (ETD 2003, Humboldt) Hussein Suleman (U.Cape Town, S. Africa) Shalini R. Urs (U. Mysore, India) Eric F. Van de Velde (ETD 2001, Caltech)
NDLTD Committees (Chairs) Awards (John Hagen) Conferences (Tony Cargnelutti) Development (Peter Schirmbacher) Executive (Edward Fox) Finance (Scott Eldredge) Implementation (Ana Pavani) Membership (Shalini Urs) Nominating (Sharon Reeves) Standards (Thomas Hickey) Union Catalog (Vinod Chachra)
Conferences (Tony Cargnelutti) ETD 2005! Sites and teams for ETD 2006 … Scholarships to expand attendance (with Development Committee) Regional events in addition to Annual Conference (with Membership Committee)
Executive (Ed Fox) & chairs of existing committees Long term planning Leadership and mentoring programs to more fully engage membership …
Spirit of NDLTD Help make a better (smaller) world Win-win-win (everyone can benefit) Have fun helping others Helpers/teachers learn more than those they work with Build on standards ETDs are preservable, popular, expressive, “better” Get rid of GWB Doable, feasible, learnable, affordable, sharable
Please join the NDLTD..!! & See you in Sydney for etd2005